An island, a sewing basket, a dinner, and a contract

Jul 06, 2005 05:10

The earliest part of this dream had me stuck on an island somewhere with one or two other people. There was a large fort that had to do with the dream plot I can't remember anymore. But at the end part of this dream the other people seemed to think we'd get rescued, yet I knew the odds of that weren't good. In fact I seemed to know we might be there indefinitely.

I found some blackberry bushes and blueberry trees and started planting berries in paper cups of dirt. My idea was to start a sort of mini-farm out of this stuff. (Mind you, blueberry bushes aren't the easiest things to nurture and take years before they will produce berries... and to my knowledge they don't become trees... but it made sense in the dream). Then it seemed like the other people had found a raft, so we all got on it and went out in the water. But I ended up by myself in the water for some reason. The current was very strong, and I thought it might take me to another island or the mainland. I saw some land coming up that didn't look familiar, but as soon as I was on it I realized it was the same island.

The next bit is unclear, but the dream changed to me going to visit a halfling (hobbit) friend in a series of underground caves where other halflings lived. But she wasn't there, and it looked like the place had been trashed. I realized she'd been kidnapped, and wondered if there was some message she'd left behind that would help me know where she'd been taken. I found her sewing basket and started taking it apart. I figure if she'd had the time, she would have had to hide the message very well so that her captors didn't destroy it. After taking apart a lot of the sewing basket components down to the box inside all the fabric and foam, I put it down to see if there were clues anywhere else.

Then her phone rang (yeah, a halfling with a phone, and a video phone no less). It was her! But it looked like she was being held somewhere and this call was a sort of asking-for-ransom-money deal or something. She couldn't directly tell me where the clue was that I was sure she'd left, because the bad guys would surely hurt her and cut her off before she could finish telling me, but what she did say was, "You are an artist, after all." The phone call ended, and I don't really remember what else had been said. I was thinking about the artist thing, and wondering if she meant the sewing basket (or well, what was left of it) was really where she'd hidden the clue. Part of the inside box had a simple painting on it. Had she had time to hide something under the paint? It was dry and looked like it belonged on the box.

Either I've forgotten what happened next or the dream changed again. Now I was talking to Mom about going on a trip. It was one that my brother Jamie was supposed to be going on too and meeting us at the destination and I told her I didn't want to see him so I wasn't going. In the end it turned out he wasn't going to go so I think I went. There was a dinner scene, at the destination of the trip (wherever it was) and I said I had to use the restroom as we were all being seated. For some reason I really I didn't want to sit next to my kid brother Peter and I said something about that as I walked off (the only seat left had been next to him, and Mom said something about switching seats real quick and Peter started whining).

Then I think I decided that I wasn't going back. I found myself in a sort of weird shopping mall, and for some reason I was pretending I had a foot problem. I was limping really badly. A couple of ladies looked at me funny as I was looking for the restroom (this was still on my mind, even though I knew I wouldn't be returning to the family after I found it). I found a stand nobody was watching, and I realized somewhere in my mind that I was dreaming, so I knew if I could get away with it in the dream it would be okay to steal something. The object in question was actually icecream, it was kinda like those little ones you can get in paper cups. I picked it up and held it under my shirt, which was really big and baggy.

Then a black guy showed up who was probably supposed to be watching the stand, and he asked me if I needed anything. I asked him where the restroom was, the entire time nervous that he'd somehow catch me with the icecream (which was very cold). But he told me it was upstairs, and pointed across the lobby/hallway thing that comprised most of the mall. Where he was pointing, there were these odd elevators that went up to the next floor, and there were a bunch of them in a row. They had glass walls so people could see out while the elevators went up and down.

I went over there trying to find an empty elevator, but when I thought I was going into a sort of holding area just before one elevator, it turned out to be something else, maybe machinery that ran the elevators. I knew I wasn't supposed to be in that area, so I went back out. I gave up on the elevators and thought about stairs, then I looked around to see if there were actually any restroom signs anywhere. I did see one... but thinking about it now it didn't make much sense and it had no arrow. I was standing by the sign thinking it meant I should go up some stairs right near me, and then I noticed the mall exit doors.

I decided to go out them, and it was night time outside. For some reason I felt like I should hide, and dropped low to the ground and almost crawled over to this bush by the doors. A car went by and I remember being worried about the light from the headlights. By this time I managed to eat some of the icecream, and then someone who was my friend met me behind the weird bush thing. (I have no clue who the guy was supposed to be now, but in the dream he was a real friend). I might have said something to this person, but then this other guy showed up and started saying who I was. I had no idea who he was but he was dead right on all the stuff he said about me. He looked at my friend and said all kinds of true stuff about my friend too. The stranger said that we'd been destined to go on a quest, an adventure of the greatest proportions, and that he had a contract for us to sign. It seems like the quest would be a fantasy sort of thing in another world.

My friend said he didn't think signing the contract was a good idea. Meanwhile the stranger had handed it to me, and I had intended to sign it (what the hell, eh? I was running away after all and had no real plans, I'd definitely sign up for an adventure since it seemed like I knew this was going to be something like what I've been waiting for my whole life). But as I was looking at the contract, the words and lines to sign and stuff kept changing, moving around somehow (probably because reading in dreams is often a very difficult task). I had to ask the stranger where I was supposed to sign it even though he'd already showed me before the words and lines started moving around.

Then I woke up.

Dream Symbol Analysis. Source: SoulFuture Dream Dictionary

island: Separating or isolating yourself from others, living as an island; Independence; Disregarding or ignoring others; An inability to see yourself as an integral part of a greater whole; Mistrusting others; Believing that others are unreliable or incapable of assisting or contributing meaningfully to your life.

fort: Feeling vulnerable; Feeling defensive or guarded; Seeking security and protection; Coping in an emergency or acting as a temporary substitute, holding the fort; Dwelling on the negative.

water: A dream about water is usually refers to your connection with the emotional, intuitive, receptive, spiritual, feminine side of self; The subconscious or unconscious; The way in which you’re handling life e.g. an obstructed river may suggest that you have issues or beliefs which hinder the flow of your life; Flowing water suggests forward motion or something that is functioning properly; Still water may imply either peace or stagnation; Clear water indicates inner clarity; Murky water denotes issues that need to be addressed; Being in trouble, in hot water; Making too much of something, needing to water it down or dilute it by viewing it more objectively; Something valid or true, a sound idea, holds water; Survival, keeping your head above water; The limit, the maximum, the high-water mark; The general consensus, taking a poll, testing the water; Discouraging or suppressing something, throwing cold water on it.

cave: Exploring your inner sanctum, going within, withdrawing, retreating, seeking refuge; Entering the void, the unknown; A deep, dark area of fear; The subconscious or unconscious; An area of discovery or a place of hidden treasure; Could symbolize the womb, conception or rebirth.

kidnapped: Feeling forced to do something against your will; Feeling victimized. (rest don't apply)

box: Feeling restricted, contained, confined, limited, boxed in; Preparing something for release; A surprise or an unknown factor; Protection; Handling something fragile; Something brand new, out of the box; The act of boxing may refer to releasing inner conflict; Needing to break loose from limitation or employ unorthodox methods, needing to think outside the box.

telephone: The type of telephone may provide further interpretational clues e.g. an old telephone may indicate being told something you already know or may refer to a bygone era; A guidance message; A need to communicate or receive communication; Telepathic communication; Trying to attract someone’s attention or someone trying to get your attention; Avoiding contact with someone, keeping them at a distance; An unanswered telephone may suggest a refusal to listen.

artist: Creative self-expression; Relaxation, taking time out, investing in self; Something that requires a right-brained approach.

paint: Painting over something may suggest a disguise, a cover up or a façade; Peeling paint may denote showing your true colours; An artistic painting may represent self-expression - look for symbology or messages within the picture; Go out on the town, have a ball, paint the town red; Painting a rosy picture, disguising the facts; Generalizing, failing to acknowledge uniqueness, painting everything with the same brush.

travel: A upcoming journey, literal or figurative; Broadening your horizons, moving outside of your comfort zones; The mode of transport, the destination, and the speed of travel will provide further interpretational clues.

mother: Something that represents nurturing, care taking, warmth or comfort; The symbol may be drawing your attention to aspects, character traits or emotions within your relationship with your own mother; Your impression of yourself as a mother; Your wise, feminine side; Yin energy; A female religious figure; Something that is innate or native e.g. mother tongue; May imply nature, natural forces, Mother Nature; Something that is large or noticeable e.g. a mother of a project.

brother: An actual brother or a dominant aspect of an actual brother; A sense of brotherhood, community or building a common bond.

bathroom: Any place that represents purification or refreshment to you; A messy bathroom may suggest an area of your life that requires attention or cleansing; Needing to cleanse or detoxify.

steal: An unfair, unequal or imbalanced exchange; Causing someone to like or love you, winning their heart, stealing their heart; Doing something noteworthy or having all attention focused on you, stealing the show; Denying somebody the opportunity to bask in their glory, stealing their thunder; Could imply moving quietly, unnoticed or in a stealthy manner; A homonym for steel.

cold: Stifling your emotions; Being frigid; Needing or seeking support; Not participating, not giving of yourself; Loneliness; Feeling unloved; Needing to back off or chill out; Fear; Discouraging or suppressing something, throwing cold water on it. (rest don't apply)

elevator: Increasing or decreasing the intensity of something; Raising or lowering your level of consciousness; Something that is not particularly stable, constantly rising and falling; Making a potentially difficult task easy.

sign: The wording or symbols on the sign may contain an important message; An omen or life signpost; Saying goodbye, closing something off, signing off; Enlisting or applying for something, signing up; Disposing of something, signing it away.

car: A car within a dream usually represents self or the physical body; If you're a passenger, it may suggest feeling dominated or that someone else is in charge; A racing car may imply that you're either living too fast, or that it's time to gear up and get a move on; A car accident is likely to imply that you're unfocused or that you need to slow down; An overheated car may indicate anger, a need to cool down; A parked car may denote relaxation, taking time out; A car chase could symbolize feeling harassed, pressurized or hunted; A burning car could symbolize overdoing things, being a candidate for a burnout.

contract: (no entry)

contract: (from Dream Moods Dictionary) To dream that you are signing a contract, indicates that you are ready to commit to a long term relationship or project. To dream that you enter into a bad contract, signifies to think twice about committing to a relationship. Carefully examine what you are getting into.

Thoughts: The obvious part of this dream is my wish to get away from where I am now, and also wishing I could be part of a fantasy adventure, but for it to be real. But something really stuck out in this dream, and I'm gonna focus on that.

The halfling gal on the video phone said to me, "You are an artist, after all." The interpretation for telephone says: The type of telephone may provide further interpretational clues e.g. an old telephone may indicate being told something you already know or may refer to a bygone era; A guidance message. So if this is a video phone, it sort of points to the future because it's still a futuristic concept except among the filthy rich or extremely geeky. At least, it's a futuristic concept to me, and since it was my dream, I suppose that's all that matters: my point of view. So this message to me on the video phone is aimed at the future. The message is that I am an artist.

So, is this a prediction of the future, or a message from "fate" or whatever you wanna call it that I should definitely pursue an artistic course with my life? Is it an encouragement, saying that I already am an artist, and better than I think? I've said elsewhere that I don't like much of what I produce and I think it sucks most of the time. I wish I could draw like the artists I watch over at DevianTART. Maybe my dream is trying to tell me I'm doing fine in the art realm. Who knows... there's lots of ways to look at this. I'm leaning towards the "I'll be a great artist in the future" concept. Cuz, y'know, when you live without hope for so long, a silly message in a dream can make a world of difference.

mother, telephone, water, island, steal, car, sign, bathroom, brother

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