I dreamed that I was in the movie Kill Bill, as "B" the main character played by Uma Thurman. I even had the wicked cool sword, and I remember the scabard being blue with a couple silver Chinese characters on it.
I went into a gift shop, either looking for one of Bill's underlings to kill, or information on him. I forget. But as I was thinking of leaving I noticed that the cashier lady was suddenly doing things that would hint that she was closing up shop. And it was the middle of the day. Suspicion ran through my mind just as someone attacked me from the side.
Then I was fighting this ninja-dressed lady outside in the dark (went from day to night just like that, WTF!). She was the one who'd attacked me in the store. I was standing on the far side of a short bit of road that went around the building (I think the one I'd been in, but we were on the back side of it now). I was close to one corner of this road with the ninja lady, fighting furiously (she had a sword too). I glanced back and saw Bill walk into view at the other back corner of the road.
As I continued deflecting the ninja lady's strikes at me I saw Bill draw two strange looking knives. They had long, thin blades that looked more like fat iron needles with hilts than actual knives. He threw them both at me and I managed to hit them away from me with my sword. I spun around and stabbed the ninja in her throat, then turned around again to see what Bill was going to do next.
He took out some strange throwing star sort of things, but larger, like several ninja stars welded together in the middle so it made a sort of lethal frisbee shaped thing. He had two of these, and threw them at me. I dodged one but the other cut me about half way up my left thigh. It hurt but it wouldn't affect my fighting much except that suddenly I felt drowsy. I realized that he'd drugged the blades on the thing, probably so that he'd incapacitate me if he didn't manage to kill me.
I fell to the ground, it was getting hard to see and I was so tired and dizzy. Things went black as I heard Bill walk up and say something. I don't know what he said, I couldn't concentrate well enough. I passed out.
Then I woke up.
Dream Symbol Analysis. Source:
SoulFuture Dream Dictionary kill: Wanting to kill somebody in a dream could symbolize intense, unexpressed negative emotion; A need to kill or address some unwanted part of you; Being killed may symbolize something that is causing great distress for you and needs to be addressed; Being prepared to do anything in exchange for something wanted, being prepared to kill for it; Something that is debilitating for you, kills you; Something that causes great mirth, kills you; Waiting, sitting back for a while, killing time; Needing to be more economical or effective with your time and efforts, and kill two birds with one stone.
day: Clarity of vision; Visible or known aspects or traits; Something that is light, bright, healthy, happy; Outward flowing, action-orientated, yang activity; Accepting that everybody has a turn, that the wheel goes round, every dog has his day, his day will come; Nowadays, currently, in this day and age; An unlikely event or outcome, that will be the day; Ceasing activity, calling it a day; Something that is relentless, day after day; Gradually, progressively, day by day; Something that's coming to an end, days are numbered. (This should also be "masculine" as opposed to the dream definition of night which hints at feminine.)
blue: 5th (throat) or 7th (forehead) chakra; Inspiration, creativity; Feeling down or depressed about something, having the blues; Indicative of things going wrong, blue Monday; Physical dysfunction or the death of something, turning blue; Feeling injured or bruised, black and blue; A surprise or something unexpected, out of the blue.
sword: A duel, competition or a fight; Displaying aggression; Feeling defensive; A symbol of honour; A situation that can both help and hurt you, a double-edged sword; To quit or resign, fall on your sword.
store: Hoarding for fear of lack of abundance in the future; Safeguarding or safekeeping; Memorizing something; Valuing something, setting store by it; Abundance; Something that is forthcoming, in store.
night: Your feminine, receptive, intuitive, passive, yin side; The darker side of you, the beast within, your shadow aspect; A death within, making way for a new birth; An inability or refusal to see something clearly; A deep depression, a precursor to a major transformation or breakthrough, dark night of the soul; Fear; Night may be a homonym for knight.
attacked: Being attacked may symbolize: Feeling vulnerable; Being defensive; Feeling judged or criticized; Feeling that you're being hunted or pursued.
fight: Unresolved internal conflict; Seeing a tough time through; An unconcious stance of resistance against something that needs to be acknowledged; Feeling a need to defend or protect yourself; Competing with others.
throat: The 5th chakra; Your channel of creativity, communication and expression; Bringing about your own demise, cutting your own throat; Being reactive or critical, jumping down someone's throat; Being forceful, needing others to agree or accept something, forcing it down their throat; Something that sticks in the throat may suggest a disliking or an inability to accept something. Problems with the throat may indicate: Fear of speaking your truth; An inability to stand up for yourself; Stifled anger and creativity; Inflexibility.
knife: Creating something new either through carving it from scratch or by cutting away unwanted parts; Feeling betrayed or knifed; Wanting to harm others, knife them; Being knifed may represent self-inflicted injury; Something achieved comfortably or with ease, like a knife through butter.
pain: Withholding love; A warning of extreme imbalance or disharmony within; A person or thing that or annoys you, an irritant, a pain in the neck; Hanging onto the past, feeling unable to move forward; A homonym for pane - see glass and window.
glass: Glass symbolizes something that is transparent, open and honest; Seeing through somebody, seeing them for what they really are; Looking outwards through glass may indicate viewing the future or looking beyond self; Looking inwards through glass may indicate viewing the past or looking within; Viewing another chapter or phase of your life; A need to change your perspective, needing to view things in a different way; Broken glass may imply a shattered dream; If you're breaking glass in the dream it may indicate pursuing something that is unnecessarily destructive; A drinking glass may indicate containing your emotions rather than spilling them. (I included this one because the "pain" symbol called for it)
window: A window in a dream may symbolize a window of opportunity; Looking into a window may indicate looking inside, going within, examining self; Looking out of a window may suggest viewing the future or gaining a broader perspective; Something that has been abandoned, has gone out the window; A windowless building may suggest being too self-absorbed or disregarding others; A window pane may represent viewing a future or past opportunity that represents pain to you. (I included this one because the "pain" symbol called for it)
enemy: Internal conflict; A known enemy could serve to highlight an aspect of yourself that you need to make peace with; A need to find forgiveness for something; Self-sabotage, being your own worst enemy; Anything that harms or opposes; Feeling betrayed.
blackout: Escapism; Too much sensory input; Feeling unable to cope; Momentarily shutting off your life force or life stream.
chakras: 5th Chakra - throat, blue, throat, ether, sound, communication, creativity, expansion, excitement, deer; 7th Chakra - top of head, violet, top of head, thought, spiritual connection, understanding, knowing, bliss, God.
Thoughts: I tried so hard to get back into this dream... and eventually sort of did, but it made very little sense and the fighting bit really didn't make sense. I did end up going toe to toe with Bill and it seemed like there was quite a bit of chemistry between us even though we were trying to kill each other. But yeah, it hardly made sense and isn't worth going into.
But the original dream... wow. That was cool. I was such a top-notch, strong fighter, and I really liked that sword. And I want to know... what happened next!? Meh. Maybe I'll get super lucky and continue it tonight, hopefully with it making some sense. But I doubt it.
After reviewing the symbols, there is the usual dose of feeling vulnerable, that I'm under attack, and have unresolved issues. But the fact that I blacked out at the end of the dream, that's new. The symbol interpretation for "blackout" is "Escapism; Too much sensory input; Feeling unable to cope; Momentarily shutting off your life force or life stream" and I'd say all of those fit, except maybe the last one although that might hint at my wishing I didn't exist or could stop existing. Which is how I feel more often than most people think.
Interesting. I wonder if I will be seeing Bill again.