I was playing the game The 7th Guest but I was really in the game, which is about a haunted house. I was wandering around the house, and it really didn't look anything like the one in the game; if anything, it looked more like the trashed version in the sequel The 11th Hour. This didn't bother me though, I didn't notice in the dream. I suddenly found a new area in the house, which was strange because nobody had ever mentioned or found it before, and I knew how to beat the game without even going into the new section. If I remember right there was a passage in the back of a closet and it went into some secret rooms including one with a bunch of old-fashioned toys in it, like dolls and wooden things. The colors in these areas were mostly dirty browns.
While I was looking for clues as to why this other section of the house was even available in the game, I seemed to know that old man Stauff (the game's villain) was coming home, and going to be in the area I was in shortly. I tried to run away, and kept ahead of him until I was almost out of the room with the old toys. He caught me there with his long creepy tongue (a hint at the weird ending to the real game) and absorbed me into the spirit realm. In other words my body disappeared and I became a ghost. I think I was stuck in that room or that area of the house from then on, and it seems like someone else found the new area finally and was trying to figure out if there was a way to help me.
I don't remember the rest.
Dream Symbol Analysis. Source:
SoulFuture Dream Dictionary game: The game of life; Your soul’s path - the details of the game will provide further interpretational clues; The outcome of a project or the way in which a situation will pan out, the name of the game; Not taking something seriously enough, treating it like a game; A willingness to participate, being game; A somebody or something that is wild or out of control; Doing something very well, playing to win, playing a mean game; Wild animals.
seven, seventh, 7th: Spirituality or enlightenment; Completion; Perfection; Wisdom; Sensitivity; Healing; Miracles; Faith; Manifesting your dreams; May indicate a person who has strong interests in the paranormal, is both a natural intuitive and a healer, does not care about material possessions, needs privacy and solitude, and is naturally philosophical
house: The size and condition of the house will provide further interpretational clues; A house usually symbolizes the physical body; Your personal mirror, reflecting your perception of your world back to you - see if the state of the house resembles you or the way in which you manage your affairs; Being accommodating; Something that is rickety and unstable, not of sound foundation, a house of cards. (I'll put the actual room symbols in where they fit in the dream sequence)
haunted: Long-term anxiety that is beginning to manifest physically; A place or issue that is frequently revisited, an old haunt; Fear; Obsession with something that does not contribute to your well-being.
closet: Doing something in secrecy; Dropping façades, showing your true self, coming out of the closet; Seeking privacy; Hoarding; May imply a water closet - see toilet.
toilet: Eliminating, cleansing, releasing, purifying; A blocked toilet may represent repressed emotions or an inability to express yourself.
brown: Symbolic of Earth; A need to ground yourself; Feeling annoyed, browned off.
toys: The type of toy will provide further interpretational clues e.g. a rag doll may imply feeling physically drained or unable to support yourself; A need to lighten up, be playful, have more fun; Not taking something seriously, toying with it.
fear: Something that needs to be embraced, addressed or released; Awe, reverence or respect e.g. being God-fearing; Avoidance.
tongue: Fooling around, being playful, teasing, tongue in cheek; Being quiet, controlling or containing yourself, holding your tongue, biting your tongue; Being speechless, aghast, cat got your tongue; A scolding, a tongue-lashing.
ghost: An emotional overflow; Feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope; A deep release of emotions or a cathartic state; Failing to take charge of your life or circumstances over a long period of time; Feeling inundated or bombarded.
spirit: Life force; Communication with your non-physical counterpart, your core essence, your soul; A mirror of your temperament, disposition or state of mind; Overwhelming or bringing somebody down, breaking their spirit; Approaching something with enthusiasm and vigour, with spirit; A broken spirit may denote something that has challenged your beliefs about your identity, possibly resulting in an identity crisis; Feeling cheerful or invigorated, in high spirits; Spirits may symbolize alcohol.
Thoughts: I'm dreaming about a lot of closets now too (the other thing I'm seeing in my dreams regularly is trains). Interesting considering the symbol interpretations for "closet" are either about doing stuff in secret, or bringing secrets out into the open, letting your true self show.