Aug 22, 2005 02:38
I wasn't trained for this sort of thing... but I ended up crawling through ventillation ducts on an impromptu espionage mission. I'd found my way into a warehouse not knowing that Iraqi terrorists were using it to ship something illegal either out of the country or to another part of it (the warehouse I'd found was in the USA somewhere). I heard one of the guards say this was the last shipment and they'd be bailing on the place after this. Not only were there guards patrolling the production floor but temporary employees working on shipping whatever it was they were sending out. One of the ventillation ducts came very close to the assembly line, and I remember pushing boxes out onto it that had time bombs in them that I had found elsewhere. Or maybe it was tracking devices... I really am not sure, I just remember it was important to get the boxes into the load being shipped without anybody noticing.
There was some other agent a bit like me also working on this. We'd gotten most of the boxes out onto the line without being noticed when a guard came very close to discovering the other agent. At about this time, one of the line workers saw me. She didn't tell anyone though, I think she knew she was working for bad guys (or guessed) and wasn't really wanting to help them any more than she had to. She helped me hide for a moment during what could have been a bad run-in with a guard.
The other agent disappeared, I remember a comment about not being able to take this anymore. There was at least one more box to put on the line, and I kept at it. Then it was time for me to leave. I went back through the duct system but someone had called an alarm. Maybe the other agent had made a messy job of leaving the site and been spotted. I ended up having to run through the front doors of the building and across a wide space of grass towards a tall chain-link fence with three lines of barbed wire above it. A couple of guards were chasing me and I was half expecting to get shot but I kept running anyways.
Someone had figured out the communications frequency I was using, and the head bad guy came over the airwaves to tell me to give myself up. He was the evil Russian president guy from the first Splinter Cell game, but it seems like his name was Nickoli because I couldn't remember the proper name in the dream (Nickoladz?). I remember saying things to him but not what I said, nor his replies. I just remember a lot of sarcasm on my end. Then I took off the hands free cell phone I was using to communicate with the US special forces unit and now the head bad guy, and was standing by the fence holding it. One of the guards was much closer to me than the other, he had stopped with his gun trained on me and was telling me to give up or he'd shoot. The cell phone rang and I tried pushing buttons on it and nothing would work, and I acted like I was all confused and said something about not knowing what to do. I think I threw the cell phone at the guard and then vaulted over the fence.
The barbed wire caught the leg of my pants, so I was hanging upside down on the far side of the fence. I yelled at the guard, "You're not going to shoot me on US soil, are you?" and he glared at me but didn't shoot. "I didn't think so," was my follow-up remark and then I think I shot the wire that had snagged my pants and so ended up falling the rest of the way down the fence. Then I was off and running, afraid now more of an outside, professional hit, than being shot by anybody left inside the complex.
I ended up outside a Denny's-like establishment and a car pulled into the parking lot. I recognized the black guy driving as one of the head NSA people. As he was getting out of the car I asked him if he'd heard what happened and he said something like, "Yes, you've created quite a stir and done an impressive job." He told me to follow him, and the restaurant we were going to had a back courtyard laid out a little bit like a Japanese zen garden. Here the dream stops making sense, it turned into a bizarre training simulation and gets way too wonky to bother writing up.
I don't remember the rest.