You know what pisses me off....

Nov 01, 2004 00:19

Alright, I am legal age to possess fireworks. It is Halloween, the one day fireworks are permitted. When I buy my fireworks I fill out a permit to light them off etc...SO WHY THE FUCK DO THE COPS STILL TAKE THEM AWAY AND BE A FUCKING ASSHOLE ABOUT IT!

Alright, I was over at Simones house and we were going to go to the park(an open SAFE place to light off my limited supply of fireworks)instead of right outside her apartment with powerlines and tree's and shit. I light off a firework infront of the park; now to my unfortunate surpise, there was a cop car coming down the street. Makes a huge scene, pulls off to the side of the road, two policemen come out and instantly demand our fireworks. Katie had a packet of "illegal" bottlerockets. They grabbed those from Katie and questioned if I had any. I had some in my pocket, but because all this was happening kinda quickly I quickly said no. Right away, one of the cops started reaching for my pocket, I was like hold on, I do have some(I had not lite any off at this point). The cop roars at me to hand all of them over. I reach into my pocket and hand them over. All the while he is glaring and being generally rude to us. Afterwards he yells at us that aren't we a little old to be out with these? Aswell, Don't you know these are illegal? I quickly remark that I have a permit for those and I should be allowed to light them off in a safe place. He laughs at me and said you can't get permits for these and you should have them. I would of explained it further if the cops hadn't jumped back in their car and if they were at little less pushy(I felt that if I said anything else I would of spent a nice night in jail).

So my grip is WTF?!?!?! What is the point of a permit if the cops are still going to take away the fireworks and not let you explain what you are doing. I am quite aware that there is no course of action that I can take, and what has happened happened. I believe I am going to call the fire marshall tomorrow when I get up and just explain my situation just for knowledge sake and see what he/she says. It just makes me really mad that when I am being safe and smart about lighting off the fireworks, I still get treated like I am going to shove a roman candle up a cats ass! AAARRGGGGGGGG!!!!


edit: Before you say anything, I know that they were doing their job etc....It is a tough night out on halloween. I know what they are going through because of what I had to deal with a couple years ago. I just wish they were at least a little more kind about it.

What I had on me were: 4 Cherry Bombs - 1 pack (Like Air bombs but with a whistling effect before detination)
5 Canadian 3 Stage "Sky Rockets" - 1/2 a pack ("New" kind of bottle rockets, legal in Canada)
3 Jumbo Dancing Devils - 1/2 a pack (You light them of the ground and they spin and "dance" with a whole bunch of colours)
5 Hummeroo's - 1 Pack (Screeching loud things)
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