[background story: we were playing jeapordy.]
LOtheClapUST: A baked pie of Italian origin consisting of a shallow breadlike crust
LOtheClapUST: im just thinking or randome things and puting them as an answer
LOtheClapUST: ha
yes genius sale: what is a pizza pie
LOtheClapUST: ha
LOtheClapUST: pizza was the answer
LOtheClapUST: but will give it to you
yes genius sale: fuck off you daft cunt piece of shit
LOtheClapUST: hey i gave it to you
LOtheClapUST: haha
yes genius sale: yeah get off the cross why dontcha
LOtheClapUST: "I suggest that the lethal text may not in fact destroy the mind, but rather cause it to move up to a higher level of consciousness"
LOtheClapUST: i love that line
LOtheClapUST: ha
LOtheClapUST: plato wrote that
yes genius sale: you know what else plato wrote
yes genius sale: "michael sucks"
yes genius sale: he did
yes genius sale: its a historical fact
LOtheClapUST: hahaha
LOtheClapUST: no its nots
LOtheClapUST: here....
LOtheClapUST wants to directly connect.
LOtheClapUST is now directly connected.
yes genius sale: if you dont believe it it means you're an ignorant fuck and then you should be sacrificed to the god of complete shit
LOtheClapUST: HAHAH! omg, how fucking mean, your not even sacrificed to the actuall god your just such a piece of shit your sacrificed to the god of shit
yes genius sale: hey man im just saying
yes genius sale: fact or fiction alright
yes genius sale: shit happens you gotta take take the good with the bad
yes genius sale: some peopa are meant to be doctors and the president and rock stars and shit like that but some people have to be sacrificed to the shit god
yes genius sale: i mean its a dirty job but someones gotta do iot michael
LOtheClapUST: [he sends me a file that contains a parable by socrates]
LOtheClapUST: shut the fuck up mick
LOtheClapUST: hahahaha
LOtheClapUST: read that
yes genius sale: no you shut the fyuck up
LOtheClapUST: ha
yes genius sale: go put on a fewq pairs of pants and then wet them down with red kool aid to appease the shit god
LOtheClapUST: just read it
LOtheClapUST: ha
yes genius sale: you read it
LOtheClapUST: like litterally 25 times
LOtheClapUST: thats just the short version
LOtheClapUST: Socrates puts justice in one category while the majority puts it in another. The challenge is to show that the majority are wrong and that justice is not only valued for its consequences.
LOtheClapUST: and thats why i think the way i think
LOtheClapUST: majority WAS wrong then
LOtheClapUST: they can be now
yes genius sale: i love you michael
LOtheClapUST: haha
LOtheClapUST: i love you too mick
yes genius sale: for like 10 minutes all i did was bitch at you about some shit god and then you're like well heres some philosophy for you
LOtheClapUST: hahaha
LOtheClapUST: truew
LOtheClapUST: true*
LOtheClapUST: the just man is considered unjust by everyone and the unjust man is considered to be just. That, would be a way of determinin
LOtheClapUST: this shit is exaclty how i think
LOtheClapUST: im fucking smarter than everyone
LOtheClapUST: ha
yes genius sale: what about merci i bet he could whip your ass at calculator tag or whatever that silly fuck does all day
LOtheClapUST: hahah
LOtheClapUST: haha
LOtheClapUST: ::in a nasily voice::"MAH! i got you, haha i cant belive your using your simple geometry formulas agaist my calculus ha what are you insane!"
yes genius sale: hahahahaha
yes genius sale: [bitch voice] eeeehhh is that a TI-83 he he geeez what is this 1996 i feel like i went back in time you neanderthal ive got a TI-(i have a vagina)
LOtheClapUST: hahahahaha
LOtheClapUST: he just keeps going on
god fucking damn it.