May 08, 2004 13:29
Spent yesterday evening out for dinner, and then went to see 'Van Helsing'. I love the film. It's nothing special in terms of plot, but it's very pretty, I liked the acting and thought the Dracula & Van Helsing characters were played well. And the Brides got more screen time than Dracula! Well deserved, they were very cool. Did we mention the pretty?
It was done in a similar style to League, but instead of one guy tracking down the characters of nineteenth century fiction it was one guy wiping them out.
Odd how Van Helsing suffers from large chunks of memory loss... A nice'n'geeky tie-in to Wolverine, who was definitely around at that time!
Have continued work on my Vamp Willow corset, which is shaping nicely. It needs overlocking and shaping at the front, and then it'll be nearly done with just the shirt to do.