I tried to buy Photoshop for a song on ebay and was royally reamed - the bastard disappeared (no longer an ebay user) with my money; no redress as not Paypal or enough to go through ebay claims thing - and personally I doubt they would shell out if it were. The seller's ratings were sparse but acceptable when I put in my bid; since then entries seem to show that he/she did a simultaneous cut and run on several of us. My own fault for having a parsimonious streak.
For some reason the theft strengthened my desire to manip. I have done a fair bit on PhotoStudio for icons but never dared anything bigger. This is the first with multiply multiple layers that are big enough to be visible, so please look with a kindly eye if you look at all. I think my scroddy little NOT-Photoshop has served me quite well and the pic/s is/are some compensation for the money lost.
But then, Sandra wanted a round window - which I had already tried half-heartedly. Now it became a challenge. And this version also has features which did not appear on the first...
Thank you PhotoStudio - but may Subliminalgfx of Thamesmead, England, who is also M.Hassan, come to the Very Nasty End he/she deserves... /vindictive.