Times are changing

Sep 16, 2008 10:46

When I came to Murray almost 6 years ago everything was new. Everything was exciting. Everything was a learning experience for me. Throughout college and cosmetology school and all the times in between I met so many interesting people and from each of those people I took a little piece of knowledge that shaped me along the way.
Over the past 2 years I've grown a lot. I'm so much more confident in me. I like who I've become and I absolutely love where I'm going. New experiences and challenges are coming my way and I've got a smile on my face and I feel I have the ability to undertake all that comes at me. I feel in a way that I am unstoppable.
Some of my most recent experiences, that I look back on, I now realize that 3 years ago Dave could not have done that. I could not have walked up to a potential employer and explain to him why I'm the best person for the job and actually mean it. I could not have walked up to that cute guy over there and strike up a conversation. I could not have rubbed elbows with some of the biggest names in my industry and actually use the experience to network myself.
The point is I'm grateful to everyone thats had some kind of impact on me because I've learned something from you whether or not you know it.
With that said now I want to say goodbye to Murray! Saturday morning I start over in a new place furthuring my career (at an amazing high end salon) with new people to meet and learn from and new experiences. I couldn't have done this even a year ago because I wasn't ready. If you understand Buffyology you'll get this next line: I'm cookies now! I know there are wonderful people in this town and some that I hate to leave behind but even from a distance I can see them shine.
Its time for a change and "Did we not put the GRRR in girl?" (more buffy)
Goodbye MKY!
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