Jan 11, 2006 17:45
Quick update, as I'm on my way out to the revival at church.
Went to school, and then had a pleasant lunch with my mother at Applebee's using Lana's giftcard she gave me for Christmas. Then I went to Barnes and Noble to finish off my calculus homework and have a cup of coffee. After that I browsed around in the books for awhile, because well, that's just what I do. I love books. I found some fascinating ones on ancient history, as well as some interesting and helpful ones in marketing. I read a bit of those, and sometime next week I think I might go and purchase the one on ancient Egypt. Fascinating material...
Line of the day: "Ashley, I just saw a real, live transvestite! It had boobs and everything!" As left as a random voicemail from none other than my mother after spotting, for the first time ever, a bonafide transexual in the grocery store after finishing our lunch. *blink* Gotta love her - she gets excited over the darndest things.