Oct 11, 2004 17:24
So yes, haven't updated in awhile. What's new....hmmm, still work at the beanery. started working out at renaissance festival, went up friday night to get everything set up. Problem is we went extremely late out there and spent a good portion of the night just setting my tent up, but it was rad my tent's ginormous and sleeps 7 people so busted out the mofukin queen size bed and spread all my shiz out for easy access. stayed out there till sunday night missed the shit out of those guys, one person id idn't get to see was Thom he couldn't get back from Pennsylvania in time, i loved that guy. But Denise the rose pimpess is out there she was like my big sister, she took care of m ein working problems, it's like one big family for christ's sake. I wish Kim had a job out there, i asked my lady Deb if she could hook her up but everyone is over employed or not needing anyone and that saddens me. Kim would pimp that shit out there. Just the problem of all the Rennie's getting there grubby hands on her. GRR. But yes, that's about it, I'm pushing myself too hard I noticed that today when I passed out numerous times at work and school. Hung out with Krazy K all day after that really happy to finaly get to be with her for awhile. Love that girl too much. Just a thought. But I gotta go. and leave you with this....
Well I fell into prison
At about a queart to three
Where I found in my cell
A glass waitin' for me
So I filled what was empty
And I pulled up my stool
But he stood in the corner
The Ol' Devil wouldn't move
He said you drink when you're lonely
No I drink when I want
He said you'll never be sober
Sure why would I want that?
I only drink to be merry
But unfortunately...
I'm in the wrong prison cell
And the wrong company
F.M.- The wrong Company