Looky here...

May 04, 2007 13:59

I'm listening to the first song I ever heard by Madeline. I have my media player on shuffle and it just came on. Thank you Nick for that cd so long ago.

So I had my first exam today in political science and i think it went really well. I realized I have a passion for learning about Latin American politics and Chavez, the current president of Venezuela, is of great interest to me. Anyway, I should be finishing my 10 page paper for my history final this Friday. Instead I shall relate my latest adventures in Argentina.

On Sunday night there was a kick off concert for events going on in the Plaza de Mayo (May Square) in the center of Buenos Aires for the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo my friend Julie and I rode the bus there to check it out. We heard some fun bands until midnight and then we marched through the streets with the mothers who carried torches singing and clapping to protest songs. These woman were celebrating their 30th anniversary of peaceful resistance to the government and the military junta of the 70's that kidnapped their children and killed them without ever telling the family members what happened. Some of these people were drugged and thrown out of fucking airplanes over the atlantic.

The next night there were more concerts being shown in the Plaza so after class I took the subway to check it out. I stayed for a couple hours and then went home and hung out with people in the residencia just watching tv and drinking mate. The rest of the week has been random. Mostly I've just been studying like crazy for all of my exams. I randomely ended up in the Centro with my friends Kara and Kristen searching for blackmarket dvd's of recently released movies. We figured we could probably find Spiderman 3 but to no avail. All the venders seemed to be hiding yesterday. Anyway, we came across a movie theater but the ticket guy tried to rip us off so Kara went home and Kristen and I set out on a mission. A mission to find the Plaza Congresso and see a movie.

We ended up seeing this film about the Argentine Beat scene from the 60's and 70's which was reallly interesting. Then we rode the bus home and ate dinner at the residencia. Tonight I am going to the improv theater with my linguistics professors and then maybe a beer afterwards. I love that I drink, smoke pot, take walks in the park, protest the government in political rallies, party, go to the movies, and have dinner with with my professors here. So that's been my life the past week....wanna share yours?
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