cielyshirou » moving.

May 09, 2010 19:50

So guys, I've been thinking about this for awhile now. Since my first blogcrews ever was made, I was so attracted to the this stuff because, heck-- I'm a fail writer who still stubborn to write words without aim to be a story. Here, on tirazuremisu, it had been a great pleasure and an epic experience, that there are people who would watch the community for the makers to spam them with blogcrews! I've learned so much from you all. Just thank you for everything, seriously!

But now, because of some other reasons too, I think it would be best for me to have a fresh start about my own. So I wouldn't be bad to shamelessly spam you guys here, that's number one ahahahah.

I decided to make my own/personal blogcrews comm; wizardswaltz for my wants to still learn more about blogcrews stuff, and avoid people who might don't like how I think, I would be a "little more active" than the way I was here <3 I'm not really good in managing a community by my own, but I'll try to do my best!

So... thousands of apology if I've made mistakes to any of you (: Good luck!

(➜) cielyshirou: moving, [❤] mod

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