Apr 08, 2006 16:06
Go to Wikipedia and look up your birth day (excluding the year). List three neat facts, two births and one death in your journal, including the year.
Neat Facts
Febuary 24th is the traditional day added to the leap year febuary 29th is just a consequence of this.
1975 Hard rock band Led Zeppelin release the classic double album Physical Graffiti.
1992 Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain marries Courtney Love.
1981 - Lleyton Hewitt
1500 - Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
2006 - Don Knotts
Feel really bad about last night. i told myself i wouldn't be emo or anything and i'd just enjoy myself instead there was that whole thing with ziggers, wich was annoying cause until he started kicking and punching he actually seemed pretty cool, and goddammit if i didn't wan't to ruin anyones night with a drunken brawl.