Tweeeeeet! Tweeeeeeet!

Dec 15, 2008 20:09

09:07 my niece (on scott's side) is here for the day. collin is happy to have someone to play with. #

16:07 wonders why everyone on her twitter list is sick! #

16:07 damn. got a great deal on a toy for collin, but shipping was MORE than the toy. Damn. Not getting it. HATE absurd shipping. #

17:26 is making the grandparent gifts-- picture calendars from "collin" #

17:32 has NO IDEA how she ever survived without the internet. Seriously, what the heck did SAHMs DO before the internet??? Clean? God forbid. #

17:33 OH MY GOD!! Slimy (Sesame Street) sits in a CAR SEAT when in the car. Cuteness overload!! #

18:46 just made the WORST DINNER EVER. I have no idea what the hell went wrong with the meatballs, but they tasted like ASS. #

19:27 giving the baby a bath and then it's off to bed for him and off to dreaded Wal-Mart for me. #
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