
Apr 19, 2011 00:47

I finished my first Shepard/Thane playthrough yesterday. I completed the romance arc and Collector base assault before finishing a lot of the game, intending to go back and finish it later, but I felt so guilty every time I saw Kaidan's picture face-down on Shepard's desk that I had to re-import that Shepard and start again.

I didn't even mean to do it; I just wanted to check which dialogue options you needed before Thane starts calling Shepard "siha". It was research! *cough*

The first time I played ME2 I didn't even realize you could romance squad members - hell, I didn't even realize you could talk to squad members, because sometimes I am really smrt - so I was really confused when I was having a casual chat with Garrus and the "work off stress together" option popped up on the dialogue wheel. But I had a single Shepard, and Garrus, and it was all good.

Then I went back and played ME1 and talked to people, and Kaidan quickly became my ace #1 romance, and Garrus my BFF. All my other imports have been loyal.

But Thane is so... interesting. If Jacob is anti-Kaidan, Thane is clearly, er, what's the word for replacement-Kaidan? Kaidan-lite? Pseudo-Kaidan? Kaidan-clone?

I was disappointed in the speed of the relationship, though. That's something I am generally unimpressed with in ME2, and I guess you can have depth or scope, but not both. With the squad mates in ME1, you could talk to them for the whole game and the relationships, romantic or platonic, developed slowly, naturally. In ME2, they jump from friend to romance abruptly, and since you don't even have to recruit people early, the time frame for relationship progress is kind of wonky.

But at least now I have an unfaithful import for ME3, even if I feel massively guilty about cheating on a bunch of pixels with another bunch of pixels. Poor pixels. I deserve whatever yelling Kaidan is going to do next time...

mass effect, idle thoughts

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