Title: Unexpected Meetings
Pairing: future Greed!Ling/Ed
A/N: I had another draft for this. It's gone! I have no idea where I lost it, and I completely loved it. *sighs* Otherwise, I would have posted this last night. V. v. v. annoyed right now.
Warnings: Manga spoilers, Ed's language
Previous Part:
Encounters Unexpected Meetings
Yao Ling waited
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Comments 12
I can't wait to see what Al's reaction is going to be like - and thinking of that makes me wonder just how much you've twisted the "reality" of the manga. Is Al still in armor? *is curious*. It's likely he is, but considering that Ling is GreedLing before he ever met Ed... XD
“Hey!” Edward snapped, kneeling beside the stranger. “Hey, you!” There was no response, and Edward rolled the stranger onto his back.
Onto her back.
That part was priceless. I could just see the surprise on Ed's face when he rolled the guy over, only to discover that *he* was a *she*. :) As I said before: priceless.
Al's in the next part. ^^ He's still in the armor. The main thing that's been changed is just Ling and Greed.
yays for more Elric brothers! It's kind of refreshing to hear that Al's still armor in this - a little bit of canon to fill in where the AU-twist makes me wonder just how much the manga-verse is going to change.
I guess what throws me off the most - and makes me come back to read more, and reread it again - is just how much things *could* change, with this premise. It makes things interesting to try and guess - well, if this happened, then what about that?
loves all over, my friend
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