This is an incredibly common thread in fanfiction which drives me insane. Say, one guy cheats on another. He did it for stupid reasons and he really does love Guy #2. Guy #2 dumps him and then proceeds to get harassed by everyone for dumping the guy, because Guy #1 really does love him and he needs to forgive him.
Um, wtf?
I'm all for forgiveness. If the couple can move on and maybe even strengthen their relationship, kudos. But for the automatic expectation to be for Guy #2 to forgive and forget and for everyone to harass him if he doesn't? Um, NO.
Or for Guy #1 to be head over heels in love with Guy #2, who is not interested/otherwise engaged/seriously involved with someone in his own life. Guy #2 is the Bad Guy for not dropping all of it/getting over himself and living happily ever with Guy #1. And if Guy #1 happened to sacrifice many things in his own life to be with Guy #2? Obviously Guy #2 should be grateful and definitely give up his current fling/job/hopes and dreams/the fact that he's straight/the fact that he's just not interested in him like that to jump right into the happily ever after.
No. If you think love is supposed to work that way, I worry about you.
It's the fact that these tropes are so damned popular that worries me. And Guy #2 is actively harassed and scorned and is made out in all possible ways to be the Bad Guy for not immediately returning Guy #1's love. I know Hollywood loves to perpetuate this, but COME ON! And there is always the belief that Guy #2's life is something LESSER, like all of his hopes and dreams and everything he worked for meant nothing without Guy #1. Holy shit. WTF? STOP IT. This can't be healthy.
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