But there is nothing but silence now around the one I loved...

Aug 25, 2012 21:08

I meant to be a little further today than this. I am finally working on my class for the day and I am about to work on writing. I also finally just ate dinner. We won't discuss my last meal.

I read a lot of motivational and business-oriented books. I plan on being rich and successful, dammit. There is a common theme to pretty much all of them and many of the other books/radio shows/etc. I've come across...including my own job. That theme? Try to be good and use your gifts to help others. I thought about this as I snooped around Barnes and Noble with my shiny new gift card. While I was looking for a book on how to be a supervillian/evil sorceress/etc.

I contemplated practicing my evil laugh but decided to glare at a guy and his pack of children instead. After that, I stopped tripping over him and his fifty million children. I felt triumphant.

Now I should actually get to work. Bah.

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rl, random

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