Fandom: SPN
Title: Reaction
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Themes: some dark content, pre-series, pretty!Dean
Summary: John Winchester feared little, but he feared this.
Sometimes, Dean would smile, all curved, full lips and bright green eyes, and John Winchester would be afraid.
The reaction was easy. Someone would linger too long or they would reach out with sly fingers, and John could punch/stab/hurt. Violence, his old friend. Blackened eyes couldn’t stare and broken fingers couldn’t touch. So easy, and he could relax a little, just for a moment.
John could do something about the reaction but not the action, and that terrified him like no monster could. Every now and then Dean’s screams would replace Mary’s in his dreams, and he could check on Dean, watch him sleep peacefully, but that was just reaction again.
He convinced Dean to chop off his hair to a Marine-style cut but it didn’t help. He convinced Dead to wear layers of flannel and leather and steel, but that didn’t help, either. Dean stared in confusion and obeyed and Sammy grumbled about toy soldiers and they just kept staring and trying to touch.
Trying to take action against action was still reaction, and sometimes, it felt like that was all John did. Mary burned and he hunted. A werewolf killed and he killed back. Sam sulked and he shouted. They touched…
And touched and looked and touched and looked.
Action, reaction, and even as Dean grinned at him in a rare moment of relaxed glee, John felt himself fall further behind.