SPN: Castiel/Dean "This I Offer to Thee"

Dec 08, 2009 18:05

Fandom: SPN
Title: This I Offer to Thee
Pairing: Castiel/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: smut, some spoilers for season 5
Summary: It wasn’t like Dean was expecting at all.

This I Offer to Thee

It hurt. Fuck, it hurt enough to take his breath away.

Dean Winchester just breathed, staring wide-eyed above him. Castiel stared back, unblinking. His hold on Dean’s hand hurt, too, but nothing like the feel of Castiel inside him, pulsing and thick.

He had been shot, stabbed, bitten, and thrown into countless walls, but nothing had broken him apart like this.

“We could stop,” Castiel offered, voice rough and broken like he had just gone another round with Gabriel, like he was the one being impaled. Too human sweat dripped between those blown blue eyes. Too inhuman emotion stared down at him. “I can --”

Dean laughed breathlessly, squeezing Castiel’s hand. Castiel meant it, would pull out now if Dean said the word. Dean would call anyone else a saint for the offer, but that fell short of Castiel.

A lot fell short of Castiel.

He could do this. He could --

“Don’t stop,” he forced out, not looking away from those blue eyes. Did Castiel feel like this every time? Opening himself for Dean?

Trusting Dean?

“Don’t --” he tried again, only to give up and pull Castiel down with his other hand. Dean tried to say everything in his kiss that he couldn’t force into words.

Of course, Castiel always understood.

“You don’t believe you deserve to be saved.”

Castiel pulled away with a sigh and met Dean’s eyes again. Dean shifted, felt Castiel so hot and hard inside of him, and swallowed. Castiel held his eyes, unmoving, and Dean could only stare helplessly back. He was aware of each of their breaths, heavy, damp, in sync.

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in…

With each breath, the world fell away a little more.

He nodded once.

Holding Dean’s eyes, gripping Dean’s hand, Castiel began to move.

Dean wanted to close his eyes or look away or do anything but just lay there with his legs spread and be torn apart by those eyes and that cock. Instead, he held Castiel’s gaze and lay himself bare.

A hand gripping his, a hand tight over his mouth, a hand burning into his shoulder, his chest…

And it hurt, each thrust inside of him, the burn of those blazing blue eyes, Castiel’s death grip on his hand.

It hurt, Castiel’s slow adoration -- his worship -- searing him, each tender slide of flesh against Dean’s, the love obvious and shining and burning him alive.

“And I did it all for you.”

Castiel came with Dean’s name on his lips, and Dean fell apart.

spn, castiel/dean, fic

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