(no subject)

Dec 13, 2004 19:50

in seventh grade julia cooper used to let me come live at her house for weeks at a time just to get away from my "family". i remember one saturday she wanted to hangout with her boyfriend, but she knew i was extra upset that day so she let me stay at her house and we watched lion king all day just singing -hakuna matata- she was the best friend i ever had. i miss friends like that. i wish i still had a very best friend. i guess things change for a reason. i moved here to be happy. am i happy now? nopee. i thought i was getting away from all the fights with my stepdad, and now i'm just fighting all the time with my stepmom. at least there i had my mom. here i don't have anyone. my friends say they are there for me but what the hell can they do? nothing. exactly. i don't know what to do. i thought coming here would make life easier. now it's just harder because i get just as frustrated and upset except i don't have my mom to comfort me. i guess i just need to grow-up and stop pretending that there's some happiness out there for me. people ask me why i want to work so much. well it's so that as soon as i turn eighteen i can leave and never look back.
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