Aug 23, 2012 21:48
The past few days I have been working on getting Lucky Palms all set up with lots from every EP so I can move my legacy family there. BUT my problem is… I am trying to build a house that LOOKS like it BELONGS in that type of landscape & I am failing miserably! I have looked on multiple house plans sites but nothing is really clicking, & I have demonlished over six houses that I gave up on.
Does anyone know of any pictures (doesn’t have to be a house plan) of houses that look as though they fit into that Arizona-ish type landscape. A house that is big enough for a legacy family yet NOT crazy-massive-big-needs-60x60-or-larger-lot -harder to find than it would seem!
The only things I find that are stunning are things that would be super crazy annoying to build, if not impossible, with the build mode in TS3.
I desperately need inspiration/help! *passes out cookies*
sims 3