August Fandom Roundup
Fanfic & Drabbles
Revolutionary Boy Peter - Peter/Mohinder, PG
Walk This Way - Sylar/Luke, PG-13
Needful Things Sylar/Mohinder, NC-17
Four After Midnight - Sylar/Mohinder, NC-17
Taken Captive - Matt/Mohinder, NC-17
Reposted from the HAKMII:
Mohinder/Sylar, mirrorswee!Peter cuts himself with a knife; Nathan rolls his eyesA sadder kitchen-knife memory for Peter and Nathan Before the Con - Ando/Hiro/Daphne, NC-17
I Never - Matt/Peter/Mohinder - R
Nathan hears, then joins, Peter and Claire - NC-17
Luke/Linderman - NC-17
Five Lovers Peter and Gabriel Shared, and Two They Didn't - twinverse with multiple chars, NC-17
Gooseflesh - Sam/Dean, R
A Supernatural/Star Trek fusion Torchwood
AU in which Tosh is in chargeJack/Ianto - remember mePC Andy and Owen reflect on Gwen nu!Trek
AU: Nero destroyed Earth, not VulcanMcCoy/Spock - "professional" Other
Leverage: Nate/Eliot, sexual noisesMerlin: Merlin/Arthur, smokeOriginal fiction: a story starter about the town of Roswell Awards
heroes_slash Best Adam Characterization award for
The Fourth Nightheroes_slash Best Matt/Mohinder Fic, R-NC-17, award for
Realization Icons
13 Nausicaa, 21 Torchwood, 2 Supernatural icons Memes
Two Halves of a Sentence Fic Meme Participated:
The i-envy-this-about-you meme (is now flocked, WTF?)