heroes_meta happy <3 <3 <3

Feb 10, 2009 00:16

I had a terrible headache through this one so maybe my meta's not as good as usual. but here we go...


2) Pasdar Previouslies always make me happy. His voice is all smoldery.

3) "Some" escaped plus the airstrike = Nathan killed people.........

4) MATTMO TOUCH #1! Matt goes wandering; Momo grabs him by the balls arm!

5) Peter and Claire go running right down the center of the road. You go, dumbass twins.

6) Taking bets on Noah Bennet's motivation for doing all this. Just to protect his Claire-bear? Puh-leeze. You gotta know they've got Mr. Muggles in solitary.

7) Ali Larter looks better when she is all mussed up and not wearing makeup. It was true of Niki, it's true of Tracy. Hell, it was true when she was in jail in "Legally Blond." I think she ACTS better, too.

8) New couple #1: I'm seeing some Peter/Tracy chemistry. Some Five Years Gone redux stuff. Their little snappy fight - "Because you slept with him"- yeah. that was good stuff.

9) New couple #2: Momo and Hiro have some interesting chemistry. But I thought it was pretty funny how Momo was all, "Hiro, you should go give yourself up, go away, leave me and my honey alone for a bit." <3

10) Luke. It'd have to be Luke, wouldn't it? I'm waiting for Sylar!papa to come in and say "Luke. I am his father." X-D

11) Sylar CONTINUES to own the screen.

12) MATTMO TOUCH #2! I am going to require copious screencaps of ALL the inappropriate touching in this episode.

13) Daphne remembers that Ando was supposed to kill Hiro!! YAY! Thank you, writers! Continuity has been dredged up from the depths of the ocean! Now if we can pry off the cement boots we might get somewhere!

14) The new twist on Peter's power is adorable. Thank you for not giving us Undefeatable Man. (Of course, Sylar is sort of Undefeatable Man now, but we like him that way.)

15) "Senator Skyboy." For an instant I almost saw Season 1 Claire. Then. It. Was. All. Gone. And. She. Was. Seething. Every. Word. Again.

16) MATTMO TOUCH #3! :flail: Oh, BOYS!

17) Is it bad that I adored Dark Matt??? (And now maybe he will be attractive to Mohinder for real, since he goes so hard for the mindfucking psychos.)

18) 10 bucks says that's chai Sylar is serving Mr. Special Agent. Old habits die hard.

19) New couple #3: Let the mentor/student slash begin!!

20) Why did Claire just ask her dad "What do *WE* do?" Girlfriend, you can't stick to a decision long enough to buy a pair of shoes. Now we know why there was all the waffle symbolism in earlier seasons. Claire is the ultimate waffler!

21) Then again, if Noah gave his puppy eyes to me I might just melt too.
Claire: I hate you!
Claire: <3!!

22) New couple #4: Nathan/Hunter hatesex imminent.

23) Luke melted down a composite figurine of Batman and Darth Vader, I believe.

24) Cute to have the clock ticking thing going on between the two of them.

25) Sylar's all in love. "Hmm, I will call him my squishy!!"

26) The scene outside the house... could not take my eyes off Sylar's EYEBROWS. They went down. They went up. They did a little pirouette. Those eyebrows were like a ballet. I swear to god I think I saw a triple axel at one point.

27) Sylar is the Agent K of the episode: "I'm driving, kid." (And then they go on down the road, pass Dean & Sam's Impala, and in general drive off into the sunset.)

28) Official theory: I hereby declare that Samson Gray's power is the ability to inspire hate and evil in people.

29) Peter's emo hair becomes angst spikes. Neat.

30) New couple #5: Nathan/Bennet?? Look at that "we are two men of action who understand each other" thing. Awwww.

31) Matt and Mohinder are gonna be together in the future!! Oh, BOYS!!! :flail:

32) Guesses on who REBEL is? I think it's Daddy Dearest. He's going to organize the uprising.

33) So Angela has a file on the Hunter. I think he was part of the Company once upon a time. Maybe even one of the Twelve. She kicked him out after whatever happened in Angola or Algeria or whatever that clipping says.)

I am SO taking screenshots from hulu.com tomorrow.

Good night!!!

fandom owns my soul, it's canon bitches, heroes, mattmo

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