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picklepegg October 11 2012, 13:55:10 UTC
I do so love you Tippy ♥

*nods at a whole lot of this*

1)Yes, it was awkward, so very. This leads into 2) - I'm just glad there weren't any bone jokes. *sigh*

3)I sometimes feel like the writers have notes full of terms/insults/catchphrases that have previously been used and pick at random.

4)Meep :') accepted!

5)Yes, total agreement.

6)I do agree that this Kevin was better/easier to develop an investment in, especially all his scenes with his mother. I still don't feel the emotional impact of his girlfriends death - other than it being a loss to push him into hunting. I just don't think we knew her, to feel it.

7)She is awesome and I wish we could keep her if we can't have Jody! But once again, awesome female character has been incapacitated...will we see her be kickass again? :( (Psst, your DCBB is open on a tab, ready to read...will it be on AO3 or a DL available?)

8)That he was, for me though it was really obvious and I saw it coming - as soon as she put them in their place about coming with.

9)If this turns out to NOT be a hint that Sam has in fact been involved in the hunting life in some way then I will be quite annoyed. (I basically whispered this in outrage "You lied! That is totally something you've picked up in the last year!! Retired, my ass!" at my laptop.)

12) I'm probably one of the few or perhaps the only person who responded to the Moose Squirrel comment with "Hey, that's Mulder and Scully! Not them!" I have no idea where those names came from, it's been a while since I dabbled in the X Files fandom.

13) I know that actor! Where is he from? Aside from that: YES! adorable and I may have cried a tiny bit at "Too much heart"

14)HUG, NEED YOU, NOT WITHOUT YOU. *BAWLS* (♥ your meta)

15) Yes, yes thank you please. (this also applies to 19) )

17) Also, saw this coming lol

20) I so want to believe that it's Dean trying to keep hold of him, but then another part of me wants it to be Benny and that you're right about it being him who let go of Cas. He clearly didn't want to actually bring Cas along, and I feel you are right he is there to divide Dean from Cas (probably Sam too once they meet) Even if it's self-preservation, it makes my stomach twist when I think of this "friendship" because it began with a deal of sorts, feels uber manipulated (Dean, that looks a whole lot like torture you were dabbling in as Benny stood back and watched - possibly gloated) and I worry about what happened that brings them to the point we saw in 8.01. So basically, I trust Benny about as far as I can throw him at this point. I can't say I like him, but yes enemy over friend.

AND, if it is Dean and he let go....I don't know what I'll dooooo. How broken are you Dean? What happened? Noooooooo...Ok I need to lock that all down.

Ok, that may or may not have made sense! All the hugs for you, you may be my favourite. I'm gonna go lurk on twitter and smile at the squee ♥


tiptoe39 October 11 2012, 14:13:46 UTC
3)I sometimes feel like the writers have notes full of terms/insults/catchphrases that have previously been used and pick at random.

I have to say, that's one thing that's really bugged me since S5 and especially in S7. Bobby actually never said "balls" before 6x04. But since it went over well, the writers just turned Bobby into a "Balls"/"idjits" catchphrase spewer in S7, and his death and reappearance as a ghost were not so powerful because the writers just had him repeat those words rather than actually say something profound and emotional. Absolutely one of my biggest nitpicks with the writers. It's lazy, pure and simple.

(Psst, your DCBB is open on a tab, ready to read...will it be on AO3 or a DL available?)

Yup, it's on AO3 -- here you go!

If this turns out to NOT be a hint that Sam has in fact been involved in the hunting life in some way then I will be quite annoyed.

Agreed. I think Sam was up to something really major. Maybe trying to develop enough power to kill all the demons/monsters, out of grief at losing Dean. Maybe he's actually more gung-ho about closing Le Gates of Hell than Dean is.

I'm probably one of the few or perhaps the only person who responded to the Moose Squirrel comment with "Hey, that's Mulder and Scully! Not them!" I have no idea where those names came from, it's been a while since I dabbled in the X Files fandom.

Wait, you don't know the origin of Moose and Squirrel?

Ugh. Show is making us feel things beside boredom again! YAY!


picklepegg October 11 2012, 15:17:38 UTC
Yes! He really did just become a catchphrase machine. I have numerous issues with the Bobby ghost storyline and that he didn't get to say something really profound is one of them.

I get that catchphrases can be fun, but over use is a thin line. Personally, for me "Son of a bitch" is one of the few which has managed to do it well - although there are moments where it feels inappropriate as it is so often used in both serious and comedic situations - the one thing that saves it is Jensen's delivery. That said...they could perhaps, not use it as frequently, make it more of a moment. IDK, rambling :)

So yes, lazy writers!

Yay! Thanks, I've got into the habit of reading on AO3, the kudos is handy when I fail at comment writing!

He must be - I read and agreed (in my head) with your 8.01 meta re Sam sneaking out and Amelia being awake - I find it hard to believe that he did nothing to find Dean, or kept a "finger to the pulse" of the hunting world. There must be more to it and next week....*fingers crossed*

Oh no, I know who Rocky and Bullwinkle are, but I can't remember how/why I now associate Moose and Squirrel with Mulder and Scully. (I may possibly have a playlist of songs for them named "Moose and Squirrel Love Songs" LOL They are one of my big het OTPs)

\o/ It both feels good and hurts like a bitch. My stomach last night....I thought I was gonna be sick before we got to see Cas and then there were tears and more stomach twisting. UGH!


(The comment has been removed)

picklepegg October 16 2012, 11:05:08 UTC
Ah-ha! Thank you!

I do remember that exchange on screen :D

It's been far too long since I had a rewatch of the whole show, I should find the time to do it. Somehow lol


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