Mar 23, 2012 22:14

1) Isn't this how 6x22 started? And 7x14, too. What's up with starting episodes with running!Sam?

2) OH NO SAM RAN INTO A CAR! I hope the car is OK! XD


4) The doctor looks and talks just like my managing editor.

5) loool taxidermy -- with A MOOSE on the business card XD

6) Rurouni Casshin, the wandering healer. XD

7) [Insert constant and incoherent squee over many, many tweets here]

8) "I don't feel like a bad person." THAT'S CAUSE YOU'RE NOT A BAD PERSON. OH BABY OH BABY.

9) I really liked the Mary or Marron or Meredith or whatever her name was girl. She was super cute. I wish we could have kept her.

10) Dean, you know demons are after cas and you leave him alone?

11) OK, let's just talk about it, Rachel Miner gained weight. Whatever. It's her life, it doesn't make her a worse or better person. I do kind of think her facial proportions are a bit prettier now, but that's just my opinion.

12) This is seriously the episode of a thousand perfect faces. And sam's stubble. Hnnnnng.

13) Cas' little wee smile!!!!

14) I always figured salt-n-burning a ghost pretty much killed 'em dead. Didn't exactly 'help them move on to a better place...' So if I were the girl I'd be pissed. "Did you just send my brother to hell? No? Then why was he screaming?"

15) loooool at Cas saying "gracious."

16) BESTEST FRIENDS. Meg speaks the truth.

17) The reveal wasn't super-dramatic. It was understated, and it worked for me, though I would have liked a BIT more cheese. Just call me a Kraken.

18) oh god the eyesex before Cas goes forward.

19) and hnnnng that reveal sequence was absolutely perfection. The music. Oh god.

20) And then cas is MAD?? Damn it Dean if you had just hugged him he would have known he was forgiven.....

21) The coat being given wordlessly was flawless. The fact that just by showing that Dean kept the coat, that was enough to convince cas to help - there are so many layers in that.

22) BRB WRITING MATCHMAKER!LUCIFER FIC. Also writing the fic where dean goes all pattinson on cas's ass. And crowning it with the fic in which Cas transfers the crazy to Meg, who couldn't be happier with Luci in her head, and they live happily ever after.

real gods wear trenchcoats too, real angels wear trenchcoats, pretty boys whut kill monsters n stuffs

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