some spoilers for synopses of 5x22 below
CAS IN THE HOSPITAL BED I WANT TO JUMP ON. How freaking adorable was Cas in this episode?
Also, did it get confirmed that Crowley was working for Death? Because that seems to be the only way Crowley got the scythe. Crowley set up Dean to make sure Dean would get to Death and make his little deal.
The Cas/Bobby conversation was awesome. Oh God. Human!Cas. Now I know Cas won't die because they have just opened up that door I've been waiting for them to open for a really long time.
Next season I bet we get to see Cas lose his virginity. AND IT IS GOING TO BE A MELTY!HOT SCENE. HOLY SHIIIIIT.
OK. I have predictions.
First: Sam gets Lucifer from the inside. It was always about Sam getting to Lucifer once Lucifer got inside him. Cf.
World Without End, Amen. It's always been about Lucifer getting inside this very, very GOOD, STRONG person. I think back to the poker game that Sam won in TCCODW, and I realize they've been showing us Sam Being Way Better Than Even We Think for a really long time. What if Sam's ability to be good despite his evil inclinations is the one possibility that Lucifer couldn't understand... until he feels it himself?
Second: What if the beloved-character-who-is-killed is Sam himself? What if Season Six is Cas and Dean trying to get to Sam? I know, that would lose more viewers, but I kind of like the idea. Supernatural VI: The Search for Sam. Maybe I'll write it as a series over the summer.