Mar 15, 2007 20:20
Things are going well. Brian was here last week on Spring Break so we made the 5 hour drive to the outter banks and spent 3 days at the ocean. Our hotel room was georgous and we pretty much had an amazing time touring the national parks, walking on the beach, hiking, looking for wildlife and such. I saw a wild nutria who was def. not afriad of people because I got within about 6 inches of him before I saw his massive teeth and backed off, he was crazy cute.
I'm down to 6 weeks left at the zoo and I have the next four days off so it's more like 5 weeks. I'm working in a different section than the one I started off at and I realllly love it there. We have 4 Zebras, 3 Giraffes, 3 Ostriches, and 3 Red River Hogs (relatives of warthogs). I've become verrrrrry fond of 2 of our zebras, 2 of our giraffes, one certain ostriche, and all 3 little piggys and I know that I'm not going to want to leave them at this point. My last two weeks at the zoo I'm working with the education deparment and I can't wait for that. It should be nice spending my last couple weeks in a section that isn't so labor intensive... I'm exhausted every day after work.
I know I'll miss the zoo but I'm really really really really excited to go home and be with everyone for summer. I'm looking for jobs right now which sucks but hopefully something comes along so that I don't end up back at the bookstore. I need a place that can give me 40 hrs/wk so that I can start saving more money. Really, I need to stop spending money but that doesn't look like it will be happening any time soon. I'm sending out applications ASAP.
It's likely that I'll start my masters program in August - zoo management. I didn't want to end up back in school but all the keepers I've talked to are encouraging me to go though with it and I know their right. It's still up in the air though.
Brian and I talk every night, he's amazing as usual and I cannot wait to move in with him this summer and look for places together to live next year....being engaged is pretty amazing. :) I miss humphrey and maple more than anyone can imagine so I'm def. ready for the 4 of us to be living together.
My supervisor is awesome and gave me 5.5 days off early April and it looks like my parents are flying me home for easter/my birthday. As of now April 12th is dedicated to getting crunk at Thirsty Thursday with Annabelle and the gang in E.L.
I think thats all I have to update. I miss everyone.