May 20, 2006 23:11
so tonight i was suppose to go to the hoe downnn.
but it was too packed.
so me, my mom,Aunt, brother &cousin cruised Detroit for a few.
then we seen this guy with his pants down.
his butt was so ashy i think he needed baby lotion =]
so then instead of going to the flower place tomarrow we went today.
so we had to drive further into Detroit.
when we get there, they had fruits&vegetables laying around
all over the ground
then we get the flowers &the ladys talking to us
then she was like yea because of all this fruit&stuff
we get BFR's
it means Big F***ing Rats.
ahahha so my mom ran in the car &she thought it ment
Butt F***ing Rats.
i love my mom.
then after we go to Big Boys
we walked in &these boys just kept staring at me i was like hmm mmk.
then they were all taking pictures of me i was like hmm weird.
then another group of boys come in &just keep staring im like seriously WTF is going on.
its been happening for two days.
yesterday i had a group of boys follow me to my dads work.
mmmhm creepy.
then we leave &stop at 7*11 &my moms like wil lyou go in &get me &aunt Cindi a slurpee i was like mmk.
so i go in &i get to the register there was a younger guy working it
he was all asking me my name &stuff.
i was like umm sorry im taken bye.
i had much funnnn todayyy.
but weird.
to many boysss for me.
thats never happend before.
&i dont like it.
especially when they follow me to McDonalds &to my dad's work.
mkk goodnight loves♥
call me&we can make plans.