"Why not me?!?!? I want that!?!?!" - Dane Cook

Nov 30, 2005 21:26

I ask myself this question, almost on a regular basis. Why can't life be like it is in the movies? Just once I'd like to go on a crazy adventure, get the guy, and be the hero. Damn it! When will it be my turn...when?!?!?!?!?!

Anyways, I realize its been awhile since I made an "actual" post on here. Hmm.. What is there to say... School is going pretty good. I'm actually loving this year.. for the most part. The only thing I can't stand is that they only allow you to miss 5 days per marking period...one word comes to mind.. GAY!

There is one thing I could whine and complain about like I usually do... the question is.. am I in the mood? Sure why not. I'm lonely. Yes that's right. I'm still wandering down the path of life all by my lonesome. In some ways its a good thing, in other ways its bad. I love the fact that I can pretty much do as I please.. whenever I please. I can hang out with or flirt with anyone I so desire. I don't have someone I have to call constantly, or worry about...or even wonder what they're doing. But... I have no one to cuddle with, no masculine voice to hold me in his arms and ask me how my day was. No one to kiss or hold when I'm frightened. Some day... some day. That's pretty much the only thing one could say to this entry. Even what I say to myself.

Oh well. Life goes on. I think I can safely say I'm borederline content. One day I'll have the romance the woman inside of me longs for. But until then.. I will still have fun... watch cartoons lol... play video games.. and do whatever else I do that makes me the Poofy you all love.

Ta-Ta for now..
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