*Send the Pain Below*

Oct 31, 2005 16:02

Hey guys*

How has everyone been? I know that I could be better*

Lets see what has all happened here*

*-I got my braces on the 18th of October* They suck but hey ... at least once I get them off I will have a pretty smile*! At least one thing will be pretty about me .. :-(

*-School sucks ... I got most of my chemistry make-up work done so that is always good*! I still have about 2 weeks to pull up my grade in AP History so I pray to GOD that I get that done! I can't fail ... I am more worried about Chem tho because we are almost in the 3rd six weeks and then it's over ... but AP History is all year round*! Ugh ... I am so stressed and I have no relief* ugh*

*-Friends ... well .. we won't get into that ... I am just really stressed out and things are going good ... I guess you learn who your true friends are in your time of need ...

*-Love ... hmm .. where to start* I ain't going to say much about it right now* It doesn't suck but it isn't too good either. I like someone right now and he likes me* It's just the fact of us meetin and actually datin I guess* Hmm ... I am all smiles* hehe* :-D

I guess I am going to go*! I will try to keep this thing updated*

Love ya'll*
*I wanna be the reason for the smile on your face*
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