(no subject)

Jul 18, 2008 03:02

Choice of a future occupation is one of the most important choices in a person’s life. To get a degree a person must spend years and years in the classrooms, and pay thousands of dollars for tuition. Of course you can change People have to make some of the most important decisions of their life at a very young age.
a profession at any time, but it can be easier to change your husband. If you pick Mr. Wrong, you can divorce him and theoretically find Mr. Right the next day. It does not go like this with an occupation. To make major decisions about the future people need to have a mature mind. Teenagers can only see in black and white. They do not see the subtle shades of grey. What does a typical teenager want from the future? Not a lot, just change the world, because the world is not perfect enough. Teenager’s heads are full of strange, rebellious ideas.

Let me take you back in time. I am sixteen years old. This is when I had to make my first serious choice in life. I need to choose my future. I am just a skinny (Hard to believe now), shy girl with timid eyes. I have a few choices. I could choose between staying in school for a few more years, or getting an associate degree at a college.

No not just stay at school. This is my first decision, A chance to get my freedom. To gain freedom from my overprotective parents, in particular, from my mother. Regular kids feel their parent’s supervision at home, but at school they get a break from it. I feel the supervision 24 hours a day. My mom works as an English teacher at the same school where I go. It is a huge school. It has an elementary, middle, and high school all in one building. Every one knows my mom, Ms. Vaskovich.
I remember it like it was yesterday .I am in the first grade. My mom wearing a tailor made dress telling me, “You are not allowed to eat in the school cafeteria; it is no good for your stomach. I am going to bring you lunch everyday, and at break time you will eat in my classroom.” At lunch time all my classmates run to have lunch. They are speaking and laughing. I am going to my mom’s classroom, alone.

I want to be free from this supervision, from this world where everybody seems to know me as Ms. Vaskovich’s daughter. I am sixteen. From an ugly duckling, I change to a not very ugly young women. It is a hot, stuffy summer day. I am walking in an alley near school. A few older kids from school are standing and smoking. One of the boys who is dressed in American jeans with a stylish haircut reaches out to give me a cigarette. He is new at the school. He asks, “Do you want to join us?” Of course, of course I want to. I have never smoked before in my life. I want to join them. I want to hear them speak about school rumors, and to laugh with them. Maybe I can get to know this boy more closely . “Are you crazy?” says one of the girls. “That is Ms.Vaskovich’s daughter.” I just walk by them, I do not even say a word. Away, away from this school to someplace where I have a name. It doesn’t matter that my mom cries and asks me to say. She thinks I can not live without her supervision. She thinks that in the new place where nobody do not know that I an her daughter, I can not get good grades. Maybe she is right, but I do not wont to stay at the school.

This i means that I need to choose what kind of Associate Degree I want .Which one? What is in my head? In my head are books, in addition to normal rebel teen’s ideas .Books that I like to read, good, smart books and poems. Do not laugh at me, poems, short poems. Parts of them twist in my head until I learn them by heart. What can I do with this? I am not confident that I can be a good writer
. I just like to read . Perhaps I could be a teacher? But my spelling is terrible and with my shyness, I do not think I keep class quiet.

Part of my immature brain has another dream. To be a biological scientist .To understand how this life exists, how humanity was conceived. In my dream I discover new DNA code and proved that human’s is descended from crossing between aliens and monkeys. . Or another nonsense like this. I need to be Biologist!!! I can not take Associate Degree in biology
I can go to the medical college, to work a few years and then finish it and get my biologist degree in shorter way .TI do not want to be a nurse.
In my head picture of my early childhood.. Tears on the eyes of my mother, she is very nerves .I am sick. I do not know what was wrong me, I am not remembering any pain, but am remember my mom depression. I am remembering Children’s hospital, long, white hallway, an awful smell. Rude nurses, who seems just want to make you life painful. There are boredom and strong homesick feeling at night. Came back to this place? Make to people to feel pain? No. But I want to leave this school and make my strange dream about DNA, and it is only for few years. I am graduated from medical college. I never worked as the nurse.

I did not achieve my dream of being a biological scientist. Therefore the world does not know yet as the how humanity was conceived. Everything G-d does happen for a reason. I have made two emigrations in my life. I worked in the medical field in all the countries to which I emigrated, and I always had a job. I do not know if I could get a job being a Russian literature teacher or a biological scientist

There are many limited in different ages. You can get married before age 18, you can not drive car before 16 .You can officially drunk alcohol and play in casino at age 21. But you have to make decision of you life at age 16-17. I think that human brain is starting to be clear at age 21. At age 21 you really start to understand what going around you. You take out of yours romantically glasses and start to think clearer, for better or for worse. This is the best time to choice you future.
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