Mar 21, 2005 14:34
Today I got up at 5:30 am and headed down to the Supreme Court. They were hearing oral arguments on two really interesting cases, but the one at 10 am was showcased on 60 minutes, so of course there were shit tons of people clamoring to get in as well. So I ended up standing in line for about 4 hours and finally got in to see the 11 am case about the role of religion in prisons. Holy crap it was awesome. I got to see all of the Justices, Rehnquist was even there! And they all actually spoke, except Clarence Thomas who just slumps ridiculously in his chair and periodically nods off. It was so creepy to see them all in person.
It was bitterly cold waiting outside, especially since I was on a huge marble slab. I am also insanely tired from standing for such a long period of time and putting up with the stupid Ice Queen and her minions (bitchy ass classmates). But it was all totally worth it once Rehnquist dissed on Mormons. The key to my heart is totally LDS jokes. Although I was surprised at all the quipping and jokes the Justices were tossing around, it was kind of weird to hear the room erupt with laughter. Now I really want to go see more cases, although hopefully ones with much shorter lines.