Oct 02, 2004 12:52
Last night was really fun (I even ate at Shari's and the wait wasn't 2 hours long!), but like a complete idiot I fell face first by Mem (sorry Sam). So now I'm sporting a Chinatown style cut down my nose, I'm skinned all over, and my lips taste like burning. Thank god for Mary's Amaretto cream, though I should probably look into getting some band-aids and stuff of my own.
I also had a creepy dream last night where I was in Portland at some old house with my friends from home. They made a fire outside and this interesting/crazy homeless guy laid down next to it and fell asleep. All of a sudden, as my friend asks if I smell something funny the homeless guy gets up and half of his face was on fire. Then I had to apply some cream onto his face while he called me either candy or his sweetness. Creep-y.