Jul 17, 2004 21:24
Today was a kind of fucked up day at work. On our way to the first call of the day we notice an upset woman sitting on a corner clutching a dog in her lap (in the super sketchy part of my neighborhood). We decide to investigate and see if we can help her. She's obviously been sobbing for quite some time. She starts trying to tell us about how her dog is dying, slipping into a coma, etc. It was really hard to understand what she was saying and she kept on going off on all these tangents. She starts telling us about how she's been evicted from her apartment and there's no water and garbage everywhere and the dog has been eating it.
This woman was all over the place. She tells us that the dog is expected at the vet clinic but she doesn't have a car and has been walking around and sitting in mud for hours. She shows us the piece of paper from the vet and we offer to drive her there. As she gets in she informs that she has been off meth for 14 days now. Also we happened to be driving the Crown Victoria former cop car, which she felt really uneasy about, but when I apologized, she told me that she'd been picked up a few times. The entire ride she is telling us all about the various people in her life and everything that has been happening to her. Over the course of the trip we discover that the puppy doesn't actually have the disease the woman is so worried about, he just needs a booster shot. We take down all her information, drop her off at the vet, and then go to the address she gave us in order to inform her boyfriend where she was. Afterwards we talk to the vet and it seems that even though we explained who we were multiple times she thought we were from the Share house (an organization that helps the homeless).
I don't know how to accurately convey what it was like talking/listening to this woman. It was difficult for her to continue her thoughts and she got extremely upset over the simplest of things. It was an incredibly unsettling and depressing experience.
It's really kind of fucking crazy the things people tell you about their lives. The next woman we met has been trying to get a divorce for over 2 years, and her husband had cheated on her and has four fiancées (in way of explanation she informed us he was an airline pilot). She's also living next to an insane drunkard who does all sorts of weird ass stuff including biting her Husky's ears and shouting about the movie Snow Dogs as well as trying to get the dog to eat his girlfriends chihuahua's.
On a lighter note, I got to see my first Serval today. It was very different from the Bobcat inspection b/c she lives inside the house, not a cage. So instead of having a protective layer of wire between us, she was just standing at the end of the bed hissing (which is the only way they communicate) eating asparagus while we took pictures. I think for our next inspection we get to see a Lynx among other wildcats. In summary, I'm really glad to finally start my weekend b/c I'm as tired as hell.