
Jan 06, 2011 18:11

I am truly fed up I feel I cannot win , there is no way to really, until I can get everything sorted which I am doing my best to.

I need a car, at the moment I have garage bloke who appears to be unable? Or unwilling to fit the new engine . I have the guys who sold it to me confused over what is going on, Direct Line is being a pain….

So when I have car I can take my daughter to breakfast club!

My new job starts on Monday which makes my life easier, hopefully and I can get myself back on track, in that area which means I can afford a car again….

My divorce has stuff which I am working on and needs to be in within 28 days! Then hopefully this will free up funds and get stuff back on track and I can then afford a new car…….

Also this will then enable me to get my mum who is running away from her own life to return to France or continue to run away as she feels fit but essentially out of my house and away! This also causes a great deal of contention, which is not helpful, and hurts me. As I also feel it and hate it I want this situation resolved its hard for me also having my mother tell me how bad I am as mother. Then having her play gooseberry and curtail what and how I do stuff in my house. Not in a terrible way but it’s difficult to walk around naked and eat ice cream on the sofa with Andre without being aware of the other person……

Its equally difficult having to deal with not having a car so I cannot easily appear in Andres house …………….

So I guess the crux of this problem comes back to a car really……..

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