kristen and stephen came over last night, we blowed some killa and CHIIIILLed, he got his lip pierced and it looks aight-im not too into piercings, but it's all gooood.
jeff messaged me today...i was shocked that he would even want to talk to me. it was a good conversation. 2nd time i've ever mourned over baby's death in the past (commin up on) 2 years. it was a good suprise to come back to my computer and see that he had left me a message. he's actually starting to take responsibily for the way he acted, and the way he handled things a while back-i only wish he realized that before it was too late...
he said, however, that he will do my "anniversery" ceramony with me-dont know where i'm going to do it this year, i guess he and i can decide together, where we want to go. i want to go somewhere beautiful and do it.
<3 baby is now an angel on our shoulder helpin' us to save the world <3
gonnabeinboston: will you ever talk to me again?
cmySLABisallihav: no because i have a few things to ask you
gonnabeinboston: well then by all means, please ask
gonnabeinboston: and i will answer 100% honest
cmySLABisallihav: for once?
gonnabeinboston: yes for once
cmySLABisallihav: why didnt you show up on march 10th?
gonnabeinboston: i was scared
gonnabeinboston: and ashamed
gonnabeinboston: and i know i cant say im sorry enough times to ever make it ok
cmySLABisallihav: you've never even said you were sorry
cmySLABisallihav: did you know that?
gonnabeinboston: and once again, theres a prime example of me not being a man
gonnabeinboston: but, for what its worth....i am incredibly sorry for that, and what i did to you, and how i made you feel, it was an awful thing to do, and i hope you never feel that much pain again
so the truth comes out...
krow says he was just leading me lines... but i dont think so.
cmySLABisallihav: did you just want to talk tonight, or were you looking to become friends again?
gonnabeinboston: to be honest, talk, perhaps we can become friends again, but ive learned small steps is the easiest way to go
cmySLABisallihav: i know, i was ganna tell you that it'll be a slow process if you wanan become friends again
cmySLABisallihav: a very slow process
gonnabeinboston: and thats very understandable
cmySLABisallihav: jeff
cmySLABisallihav: can you do something for me?
gonnabeinboston: whats that?
cmySLABisallihav: march 10th is comming up soon... and i did this last year on the one yr "anniversery" (i put it in quotes, becuase anniverserys are suposed to be happy and a celebration for somthing GOOD) and the whole time, i just wished that you were there with me to do it too
cmySLABisallihav: and i dont want you to think it's stupid, and if you do-that's fine
cmySLABisallihav: if you think i'm taking it too far, then just tell me, and i wont involve you
cmySLABisallihav: but i want to write a lil somethin somethin, and tie it to a balloon and send it off to baby in heaven
cmySLABisallihav: i did it when i was in rehab
cmySLABisallihav: and it felt good
cmySLABisallihav: to do soemthing like that
cmySLABisallihav: and i want you to be there, and do it with me.
cmySLABisallihav: do it TOO
gonnabeinboston: i believe i can do that
gonnabeinboston: and acutally, should do that