Bit of a stressful week, this week. I think being thrown straight into doing recruitment when you've only just taken over a managerial role is not the most gentle of starts. We needed three new people as our team has been greatly reduced and we're supposed to be starting new services. However, for most of this week it looked like we'd only be able to hire one person but on friday we miraculously managed to find two more, so it all turned out alright in the end. For some reason we managed to hire the most attractive woman we interviewed. I can't imagine how that happened...
Yesterday was an excellent day. I got up to find that Fi's friend Frances had sent me some CDs (Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins, The Magnetic Fields, and some other random stuff), so that was a great start. Then it was off to Phil's birthday celebrations at Vinopolis. A great time was had by all as far as I could tell, with lots of nice wine consumed, along with some absinthe, whisky, and a Bombay Sapphire cocktail thrown in. Then it was off for a slightly damp stroll to Brown's, where some much needed and tasty food was consumed, and I got to patronise an American.
Willbur joined us by the end and so I headed off with him and the lovely
Feeweeherman to Retro bar for some more drinks and chatting. Who should we bump into there but Karen, ex-H2H barmaid, who I hadn't seen for about a year. And then Kat's housemate Dan also appeared. Which was slightly bizarre as we'd been talking about both of them on the way to Retro. Fi was hoping that Jennifer Aniston, who we'd also been talking about would magically appear too, but unfortunately not.
No real plans today, apart from buying a new telephone for my house, as the one I have no longer works. And eating pizza, quite probably.