Sep 24, 2007 02:36
Del passed away on Friday 21st September 2007.
The cause of death is yet to be confirmed. It could be suicide or her diabetes playing up. We're yet to find out the results from the coroner...
I saw her the night before she had died. She had gotten a taxi turned up at my workplace wondering why i wasnt talking to her. (there had been issues regarding a text message which had been sent to my parents which we had thought she had sent) We talked and eventually went to Fast Eddys for dinner. She had a toasted sandwich. it was good to see her eat. She hadnt been eating much cos of her diabetes.We were discussing this text message issue and were trying to determine who else it could have been. (at that point we had determined it wasn't her who had sent it.) She was angry that everyone had thought it was her. When I went to drop her off home we had to pull over so she could calm down before going home to her mum. She wanted to go to our playground. She didn't want to go home to her mother. I wish I had brought her here or at least took her to our playground that night. I'm sorry Del.
We sat in my car down the road from her place and just chatted about the future. We discussed our "one day and one night together thing" (her way of saying good bye to me as her partner) Del wanted to move out of home. She wanted a place of her own however did not think it was possible financially and possibly in the future physically cos of her legs. She was saying she had set a date for her suicide but she didn't want it to affect her father's operation. I was trying to convince her not to do it using various reasons like his recovery will be shit even if she did it after. She already knew i would be upset. She said she was past caring. The main reason she had given was that her legs were playing up. She had said that she was getting the same pains which led to the time she was previously wheelchair bound. She said she didnt want to be in constant pain and be living like that again. She was so bitter at having spent her 21st in a wheelchair. To think i've spent so many times telling her we would celebrate her 22nd in a way to make it up for her 21st. Her birthday was on Boxing Day. We had discussed her having a weekend away to celebrate her birthday so that it was not like her other birthdays. God she hated birthdays. She hated the family conflict. Anyway, i tried giving her some hope that even if she was in a wheelchair cos of her legs playing up she could still do a whole bunch of things like working at home.
Anyways, we chatted for a bit longer and then it started getting late and I had to go home so i dropped her off. I was so tired at that stage and I haven't been in a social mood so i turned down a good bye hug. She just kissed me on my cheek good night. I wish I had hugged her. I really wish i did. She had sent me a text message later saying "look after my baby, it's in my jacket pocket" I rang her and asked her what she had meant. I should have known, it was her ipod. I said that I would get it back to her. We talked as i drove along the freeway and then i said good night. I didn't think it would be the last time i would ever speak to her again.
I miss her so much. I still have some of her things in my room. Almost everything reminds me of her. All i want to do now is for this to be a really bad dream. To just wake up and to be able to just call her and hang out like we used to.
Good bye my friend. I love you and have always cared. May your next life be filled with love and light.