A massive earthquake ravaged Japan's mainland and destroyed most of Tokyo, sinking three-quarters of it into the ocean. Ten years later, the story shifts to Igarashi Ganta, a seemingly ordinary student attending Nagano Prefecture's middle school. An escapee, a survivor of the great earthquake, Ganta has no memories of the tragedy and has lived a normal life. This all changes when a strange person covered in blood and crimson armour floats through his classroom windows. Grinning madly, the Red Man massacres Ganta's entire class but instead of killing him, embeds a red crystal shard in Ganta's chest. Within days of the massacre, Ganta is declared the sole suspect and, following a quick trial, is sentenced to life imprisonment in Deadman Wonderland, a massive theme park like prison.
Arriving at the prison, Ganta is fitted with a special collar which monitors his location and life signs. Due to the heinous nature of Ganta's 'crime', he has to live out his imprisonment under Deadman Wonderland's 'Death Sentence'. A lethal poison is constantly injected into his bloodstream through the collar, but it can be neutralized by consuming a peculiar candy-like medicine every three days. Additional candy can be earned through hard work or by purchasing it. In order to gather Cast Points, the prison's currency, an inmate has to perform in the facility's lethal games and survive. Fortunately for Ganta, he is aided by a mysterious girl named Shiro, who apparently knows Ganta, and is known by other prisoners as well.
While trying to survive as an inmate on death row, Ganta becomes increasingly obsessed with the 'Red Man' and tries to find him so he could clear his name. In a bizarre twist, Ganta begins to develop the ability to manipulate his own blood, to the point of turning it into a weapon. Unbeknownst to him, Ganta has become one of the prison's 'Deadmen', a segregated group of prisoners possessing the Branches of Sin which makes them capable of controlling their blood. After his ability is discovered, Ganta is forced to participate in brutal gladiatorial death matches, known as Carnival Corpse, whose anonymous spectators pay large amounts of money to watch. In his struggle he manages to befriend some of those he fought off in the arena, and with their help Ganta continues his quest to uncover the identity of the Red Man, why he turned into a Deadman and the dark secrets the prison authorities are hiding.
from wikipedia Ganta Igarashi
" woodpecker "
Ganta is the main character. That means you are going to be following his whiny-ass for most of the story. And I don't mean to use whiny-ass softly either. Ganta doesn't want to be in jail. He doesn't want to have a strange almost nude crazy albino girl as a friend. He certainly doesn't want to play death games. He doesn't want to be the hero. He cries. He runs away from things. He yells at his friends when they make his life difficult and there is even a point when he sucks up to a bully so he doesn't get his ass beat down. Despite all of this he is an endearing protagonist.
Because Ganta fucking Igarashi grows the fuck up. He realizes his mistakes. He tries really fucking hard. And in the end? He comes back. He comes back when it's most needed. Ganta has a really strong center, he just makes human mistakes and then he tries his damnedest to do better.
▢ Shouta cute boys
▢ protagonists
▢ people with trauma induced amnesia
▢ cowards that grow balls
▢ not-co-dependent-but-still-very-close-friendships
▢ whiny little shits that still manage to be endearing
▢ people who can shoot other people with their blood
Shiro is the second half of the dynamic-duo that Deadman Wonderland revolves around. That picture I put up there is a picture of her as a small child because it came up on google and it is adorable. At first Shiro comes off as a bit of an airhead. She likes sweets. She likes Ganta. She does whatever Ganta would like most! This includes offering to kill Ganta because he wants to die. Ganta promptly is like UM NO I DON'T WANT TO REALLY DIE ALSO YOU ARE KIND OF CREEPY URGH I DON'T KNOW YOU GO AWAY. But she's adorable.
Shiro is also
this. She will tear your face off. Literally. Shiro has a split personality. Half of her is Shiro -- the adorable bouncey girl that believes in superheroes and ACEMAN IS HERE!! And wants to eat pudding with Ganta and is totally adorbs. And the other half hates everything. This is a result of being a horrifically abused labrat that happens to have crazy powers.
▢ adorable girls
▢ crazy people
▢ horrific backstories
▢ split personalities
▢ not-co-dependent-but-still-very-close-friendships
▢ people who think a sheer bodysuit is clothing
▢ people who can carve the fuck out of other people with their blood
▢ ACEMAN SANJOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Senji Kiyomasa
" crow "
Senji is the first Deadman that Ganta fights. At first he's all I'M SO MANLY AND BADASS AND I LIKE SLICING STUFF DID I MENTION I'M A BADASS. He's a bit rough on the edges. And then he loses an eye to the wheel of organs game. And then the next time he shows up he's all You can't lose, Ganta, you beat me :Db. Senji's a bro. He might be the kind of bro that destroys your life-saving candy stash so you train harder, but he's still a bro.
Senji comes off as the kind of guy who will be a bit of that amoral cool badass who strolls in and takes names and kicks asses. Admittedly, he can kick ass pretty well. And he does show up when needed. He also gets nervous around scantily clad women, likes to show off his muscles when drunk and really . . . he's one of the good guys. He's just been around the doom and gloom and slaughter block a few times.
His branch of sin is "Crow Claw" and it is a wicked sharp blade that slices and dices.
▢ men with nice pecs
▢ guys who get nervous around girls
▢ people who have terrible naming sense that seems to favor alliteration
▢ the "big brother" figure that is also kind of terrible and maybe hit your dog with a motorcycle
▢ people who lose an eye and gain a stylish eyepatch
▢ ex-cops
▢ anti-hero sort of things
Yoh Takami
Gosh Yoh is looking cool up there. Too bad he never looks that suave and manly ever. Okay that is almost a lie but not quite. Yoh is a liar and a swindler. He'll push you under the bus if it suits him. He'll steal your life saving "candy" and he'll cut off your ear. But it's okay! He's all doing it for his ~adorable~ little sister.
Yoh, unlike a lot of the Deadman Wonderland characters, is not a Deadman. He's just your average joe who gets along in jail by doing terrible things and eventually falls into Ganta's crowd sort of not at all on purpose except kind of because he's being paid to spy. Whatever. He's a devoted brother and someone who . . .well, you can count on him in a way.
▢ liars
▢ swindlers
▢ cheats
▢ siscon
▢ devoted siblings
▢ people who have a somewhat normal fear response in an otherwise crazy manga
▢ apping people aj loves
Minatsuki Takami
Yoh's "adorable sister". Minatsuki is . . . well she is sweetness a-and o-oh so cute /// on the outside and then she is 400% dirty mouthed punkass on the inside. Minatsuki doesn't believe in the light and goodness in other people. Everyone's a dirty fucking whoreson cocksucker shitweasel and she is not afraid to kill tell them kill so.
Like many of DMWL's characters she meets Ganta and gets sort of topped by him. He gives her back some faith in humanity but that certainly does nothing for her foul-mouthedness or abrasive nature. Minatsuki is balls out herself no matter what.
Her branch of sin is "Whip Wing" and it can flay people alive ;D It suits her personality perfectly.
▢ two faced characters
▢ tiny girls that swear like sailors
▢ part time sadists
▢ liars
▢ brocon (... sort of)
▢ cynics
▢ people who kick other people in the balls
Chaplin Sukegawa
" peacock "
Chaplin is a Deadman with style. If you want to know about anything girly Chaplin would be the woman to hit up. When it comes to helping Shiro make a delicious surprise for Ganta, Chaplin is the go to girl.
Her branch of sin is "Peack Peak" and is a spiky ball of blood that is . . . well. . . . a spiky ball of blood.
Hitara Idaki
" condor "
Hitara was once a school teacher. And then there was an earthquake and his daughter's face got mauled and everything went to hell and she poked out one of his eyes. Now he's an old geezer who constantly says that his daughter is telling him things (even though she burned to death years ago).
His branch of sin is "Condor Candle" and allows him to set his blood on fire.
Azami Midou
Azami is one of the first prisoners that Ganta encounters. She's the one with the balls that is basically like wow sucking up to bullies is stupid. She's a girl with a lot of heart and definitely the protagonist type. Azami is a friend with a good head on her shoulders.
Her branch of sin is that of a forgeries and it can chomp off large pieces of people and also rot them.
Nagi Kengamine
" owl "
Nagi is the leader of a rebellion. Essentially it is like "WOW JAIL SUCKS AND OUR LIVES SUCK LET'S ESCAPE" also some metaphors and chains and scars and so forth. He's a good leader too. Looks out for his people, has two hands full of compassion, etc etc. He also has a sob story that culminates in the holy crap our totally awesome sane leader is actually really fucking batshit insane. The kind of delusional I'll believe in this nonexistent thing to hold my sanity together oh whoops now I am a berserker sort of thing. Yeah.
His branch of sin is "Owl's Eyeball"-- that means "bombs" basically.
▢ nice guys
▢ nice guys who are also capable of tearing people apart with their bare hands
▢ nice guys who love their wife and child '-'
▢ guys who have no vocal cords
▢ nice guys who attract crazy stalker monks
▢ leaders of rebellions
▢ only having to read a single arc of deadman wonderland because you are a lazy asshole who doesn't appreciate things aj likes '-'
Karako Koshino
" game fowl "
Karako, like Nagi, is part of the Scar Chain rebellion. She works hard at being
Yamato Nadeshiko. Brawler. Yes. Yamato Nadeshiko brawler. That is how it is. It is exactly as it sounds and she is a badass.
Karako is the kind of person who may or may just assume you are going to block and punch you in the face. It's okay, she means it in a friendly way. She acts as support to Nagi's leader in the Scar Chain, but really Karako she's a pillar of strength on her own as well.
Her branch of sin is "Fists of Blood" and is extremely versatile, not only as an attacking branch of sin but also as a defending one.
▢ brawlers
▢ badass women
▢ balanced fighters
▢ characters that are emotionally strong
▢ rebellion leaders
▢ characters that don't get mired in slaughterhouses but can look outside of that
▢ protagonists
"Toto Sakigami"
" mockingbird "
Toto is a Deadman with an obsession with Shiro. He's a bit loopy -- never quite sure if he should address himself as "watashi" or "boku" -- and has an odd habit of speaking with stars and clapping. His branch of sin is "Love Labyrinth" and can copy any branch of sin he eats.
Really, "Toto" as we see him in the series is Hagire Rinchirou a researcher that worked with Ganta's mother on the Wretched Egg project. He's a total apathetic asshole, citing things that interest him in 30% or 5% or whatever. He also promotes torturing children for science.
There are a bunch of other
characters. Also I got really lazy with my write-ups BUT THE POINT STILL STANDS '-'!!!!!!!!!!!