Your prison is... walking through this world all alone.

May 29, 2005 21:27

It's crazy,
This feeling I'm feeling...
My heart goes crazy...
Am I dying?
Or is this what it is like to really live?
I want this feeling to last...
It's so different,
Every piece of it is different...
Different than the last feelings, that i felt..
Does that make sense...?
I love it too!!!
I do, I do...I DO!!!
So why can't i say that...
I just want to scream it at the top of my lungs...

I love me...
Me being grounded has actually helped...
Weird eh...? I've had a lot of time to think and well...
Being helped me figure a lot out...
Figure out about me..
Who I am...
Figure out about them...
Who they are...
And I've come to this conclusion...
I'm a freaking great kid!

No matter how bad the 'rents make me out to be,
To their friends..
The relatives..
To everyone..

I'm a freaking awesome kid..
I don't do drugs, I make good decisions, I don't rush into things...
I'm a plain out, no fuss, no bother, a good kid..
I go to church...i pray, i read my bible..i love God...

Sure there are the not so good things...I have lied to my mother..i mean.. who hasn't?
I do make some bad decisions...
But i realized over all I've been a great kid...compared to others...(my older brother for example)...
And even though..
I could take full advantage of my parents weaknesses, i could be out there doing all the stuff they think i'm doing...
I'm not...and, well...
I really respect myself for that...

Thank you help me stay strong.
Thanks mom...even though things are crap right now...
You are the reason I'm a good kid...
Thank you little brothers, for making me want to be good...even if you don't notice...
Thank you older brother for defending me..and for showing me the consequences
Thanks Dad...for doing all the stuff you did...even if it hurt...i've become...and am becoming an awesome person because of it...

Thank you keep me out of that "bad" stuff help me stay on "track" are one of my "rocks" as cheesy as it may are... and well...i don't know where i would be with out you...

Sorry for sounding conceded earlier...but just need to say it you know...
I guess it is kind of like the Christina Agulera(sp?) song...

You are matter what any one says...

And that goes for all of you...
I can name all my friends, and every good quality about them...and i'm almost positive that the good would out weigh whatever "bad" there is...
People just need to get some self esteem...some self love...and...well...maybe we wouldn't have so many problems...i don't know...i'm in a kind of optimistic mood...

Life could be worse, sure it is...crap...right now...but you know...there is always worse.
I've just got to remember that; There is always worse...

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