Nov 28, 2004 23:41
Wow, guys...
I wasn't on for like a day and a half and I had forever to catch up!
The only positive thing, that made me happy at all... was that I got to go to wal-mart to buy pop by myself, and I gave money to the bell ringer guy.
I love those guys.
Everyone should give money to them, they stand out in the cold...not for themselves but for other people.
I admire them.
And stupid big companies, not naming any...*TARGET, TARGET*, wont even let them stand outside and ring the bells...
You know why...because it takes away money from their company.
Stupid rich bastards.
People like that are retarded.
That's how I feel right now.
Up every night at 3 and 4 AM feeding puppies.
Getting cussed out.
That's all I can say right now.
I wish more people lived by me.
Actually no.
I wish Jessica was here this weekend and not at her dads.
I could have snuck out and called her and talked.
I needed to talk on saturday.
But no.
I'm not mature enough or whatever to go down to Sedaia at night.
Someone murder me.
I hate seeing older men cry.
It breaks my heart when others are in pain.
My mom's friend's father died.
He came over...I didn't know him really...
But I just wanted to hug him and hold him and tell him it's okay to cry...
I could tell it took all he had to not cry when he told my mom and the male being that lives in my house.
I can picture his face in my head right now..
The sorrow in his eyes makes me want to cry.
I didn't even know the dad but...the way the guy, was I know the father was a good one.
But I wouldn't know good ones...anyways...frhjfdjkfdfjd.
I just don't get it,
Can she not see it...?
I feel like it's written on my face,
in my eyes.
Yet she doesn't seem to notice.
You can see sorrow right?
You can see pain?
But she doesn't see mine.
Please, if you love me...
That doesn't work.
I'm not making sense.
how can you make sense when your trying to pour your heart out to a computer and your fingers only type so fast.
I hate you computer.
I wish you were real.
I wish someone out there was real...
To just hold me.
While I cry,
While I scream.
Someone to just listen.
Some to hear me!!!!
Argh I quit I have to sleep.
But I can't.
I hate having so much emotion I can't even express it.