it's truly amazing how j2 can be pretty awesome actors and memorize 3 min character rants with crazy amounts of paranormal info BUT when it comes to talking like a normal human being, they sometimes fail.
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this is OLD. like, jared looks like a WEE CHILD. pre-buff days. the hoodie days *sobs* and i literally lol-ed when i saw the lollipop. clearly the boy never outgrew the stage where you just yearn for sugar non-stop. clearly.
AHHH i am feeling nostalgic. must resist temptation to rewatch all 4 1/2 seasons of spn. I HAS 4 SEASONS OF DEXTER
*on a side note: why is leverage and their cast so awesome? i feel like i'm cheating on jensen with chris kane. or aldis hodge. depending on the episode.*