May 19, 2007 09:55


Going in...

Infernape lv. 49 @ Soft Sand
Luxray lv. 48 @ Quick Claw
Staraptor lv. 48 @ Amulet Coin
Lucario lv. 48 @ Shell Bell
Roserade lv. 48 @ Big Root
Palkia lv. 47 @ Lustrous Pearl


Infernape lv. 52
Luxray lv. 49
Staraptor lv. 49
Lucario lv. 49
Roserade lv. 49
Palkia lv. 47

End of Cynthia battle = only Infernape left, with 25 HP.

Used a total of 5 Super Potions, 2 Revives, 1 Hyper Potion, 1 Max Potion, and 1 Mago Berry.

And FYI, I only used Palkia twice. Once on Flint's Infernape, and once on Cynthia's Garchomp. It took out Infernape but died to Garchomp because I never healed it after Flint's Infernape (in the end my Staraptor + Infernape took out Garchomp). Yes, I got lucky quite a few times in several of the battles, otherwise I doubt I would have beaten it with such an underleveled team, despite my decent movesets.

BUT HELL I BEAT THE GAME. *dance of glee*

Infernape took out Dustox (2 hits) and Beautifly (OHKO).
Lucario took out Drapion (3 hits).
Staraptor took out Heracross (OHKO).
Infernape took out Vespiquen (2 hits).
Fainted = 0

Roserade took out Quagsire (OHKO), Whiscash (OHKO), and Sudowoodo (2 hits). Lucky = no EQ from Sudowoodo.
Lucario took out Hippowdon (4 hits). Lucky = no EQ.
Lucario + Roserade took out Golem (Lucario 1 hit, Roserade OHKO).
Fainted = 1 (Lucario)

Infernape took out Rapidash (2 hits). Lucky = no Bounce.
Infernape took out Lopunny (OHKO).
Infernape + Palkia took out Flint's Infernape (Infernape 1 hit, Palkia OHKO).
Infernape took out Steelix (OHKO).
Roserade took out Drifblim (2 hits).
Fainted = 0

Luxray took out Mr. Mime (2 hits). Lucky = major Quick Claw hax.
Infernape took out Bronzong (OHKO). Lucky = crit hit from Infernape, prolly wasn't needed due to Blaze.
Infernape took out Alakazam (2 hits). Lucky = Alakazam used Energy Ball + missed Focus Blast.
Infernape + Lucario took out Girafarig (Infernape 1 hit, Lucario OHKO).
Staraptor took out Medicham (2 hits). Lucky = no Thunderpunch or Ice Punch.
Fainted = 1 (Infernape)

Lucario + Infernape took out Spiritomb (Lucario 4 hits, Infernape OHKO).
Roserade took out Gastrodon (2 hits). Lucky = no EQ.
Infernape took out Lucario (OHKO). Lucky = crit hit from Infernape.
Roserade + Luxray took out Milotic (Leech Seed + 1 hit from Roserade, OHKO from Luxray).
Palkia + Staraptor (+ Luxray) + Infernape took out Garchomp (Luxray = cannon fodder, 1 hit from Palkia, 3 hits from Staraptor, OHKO from Infernape). Lucky = missed Dragon Rush + crit hit from Staraptor.
Infernape took out Roserade (OHKO).
Fainted = 5 (Lucario, Roserade, Luxray, Palkia, Staraptor)

w00ts, public, d/p

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