i miss you whit......

Nov 20, 2004 23:38

crazybaybee2008: hey whit!
babyrumbles: busy sorry
babyrumbles: cant talk
crazybaybee2008: your mad at me
crazybaybee2008: arnt you
Auto response from babyrumbles: Im not really away this message just means that your annoying me, oh and have a nice day

crazybaybee2008: whit what is your problem seriously
Auto response from babyrumbles: Im not really away this message just means that your annoying me, oh and have a nice day

crazybaybee2008: i guess your just to scared to face your problems in front of my face
Auto response from babyrumbles: Im not really away this message just means that your annoying me, oh and have a nice day

crazybaybee2008: fine be that way
crazybaybee2008: all im trying to do is to make things work, because i miss being friends with you, but if your not willing to help me fix things, its your choice
Auto response from babyrumbles: Im not really away this message just means that your annoying me, oh and have a nice day

crazybaybee2008: and thats all i have to say

(crazybaybee2008 - me, babyrumbles - whit)

wow...... i dont know what to do anymore. whitney has changed into something shes not sopposed to be. i know this isnt whitney talking, i mean something seriously happened. she used to be one of my bestest friends, and now she hates me. all i tried to do is to tell her that i didnt appreciate her talking behind peoples backs, especially kaylas. i dont even know why she hates kayla in the first place, kayla is a sweetheart. not to sound harsh, but its just because whitneys mad that kayla is taking away all her friends, but actully thats not the truth. the truth is that people are sick of hearing whitney gossip, and dont want to waste there time hearing that stuff, so they would rather hang out with kayla who has better things to say about people. i know people might think im really mean for saying this, and im sorry for that, but someone has to speck the truth. i really miss being friends with whitney, we have had so many memories together, like me going over to her house and staying up all night dancing stupidly,and those summer days at the pool tanning, and swimming around, and telling each other our deepest secrets, i mean, our friendship was amazing. i never talked about this a lot in my livejournal, except for that one time, but i would do anything to make things the way they used to be. whitney was so awesome, and i wish there was something i could do to make her the same person agian. ive tried talking to her at lunch, but she fakes me a smile and says shes not mad at me, and doesnt even look me in the eyes. then i hear from tim that shes still saying great things behind kaylas back, and shes problly saying stuff behind my back too, but i dunno, i just dont know her anymore. i dont know how to feel, i dont know what to say,i dont know what to do, i just dont know anything anymore........
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