- Title: Sukiyanen
- Featuring: Nishikido Ryo x Uchi Hiroki from the JE groups, Kanjani8 and NEWS.
- Type: Bloggish
- Random: Only took me 2 hours to code unlike my first layout.
- Credits: Aethereality, Hybrid Genesis, thefulcrum , kanjani8
NEW LAYOUT! ♥ Since I got tired of the HayaRyu/Akame one, I decided to make a new one featuring my niban, RyoUchi. ♥ This one's really easy to code cos I already grasped the pattern of bloggish theme. This one's better than the last layout, yes? ♥ The only thing that frustrated me A BIT was when I noticed Uchi's name in kanji was wrong so I had to change it again. Haha. But anyway, it turned out pretty much how I like it so I think I'm going to keep this layout for a while. ♥
As I said, everytime I'll change my layout, I'll share the previous layout for others to use too and I'm going to do that in the HayaRyu/Akame one maybe tomorrow/later. :)
Comments on the layout are greatly appreciated~ ♥