I'm back in the KAT-TUN fandom! Haha. It's all thanks to
Queen of Pirates DVD rips on
jone_records. I've decided not to buy the DVD concert but I seem to regret that decision right now because the concert was frigging AWESOME. Nope, I haven't finished downloading them yet but judging from the parts I've already watched, it was ENTHRALLING and I was really AMAZED.
Spent the night flailing over Jin! Damn, that guy never fails to recapture my heart over and over again! My love for him had been declining for many months now and yet, just a bit of his smile in the camera and all those idol shit made me *Q* the whole time. Not to mention, some of the Akame moments made me smile and flicker with joy too. One was with the 12'o clock perf and! Don't let me start with their Don't U Ever Stop performance! It was the second chorus, I guess? Akame were dancing and the camera's focused on them like it was their own concert and not KAT-TUN's. It was mind-blowing and I CAN'T STOP SQUEALING. I seriously love that part!♥ I'm too lazy to cap that part and you could see it for yourselves anyway if you already have your own copies. :) I'd be adding up more informations after I've finished downloading and watching the concert. :)
On other news, I've watched Johnny's Countdown 2008-2009! Well, it was good fun.. with a stage and a bunch of JE idols put together, what do you expect? Haha. But I must admit that I loved last year's (2007-2008) countdown mooooooar. Last year was definitely happier because KinKi Kids & Toma were there, and Tsubasa had his Takki, KAT-TUN/Kanjani8 had more screentime, Seishun Amigo had Jin on it, plus TOKIO was totally amusing to watch. :)) Not to mention, this year's concert was shorter too. And no Nagase/Koichi kiss! ;__; HAHA. But anyway, the only thing that made it better than last year is the fact that UCHI's there. You guys know just how much I love that guy and asdfghjklasf I'm really really really happy that he's there because: 1.) he was hot & pretty. *W* 2.) I reaaaally love him, and 3.) even if he didn't get near Kanjani8, just thinking that he's on the same stage as them makes me jump in joy.♥
Anyway, I'm getting to bed now. My cold's been getting worst. D: