I. Johnny's Entertainment
Musekinin Hero PV
Ahaha. This PV is pure CRACK. ♥ Hahaha seriously nobody can match Kanjani8 when it comes to goofing around and being funny because they can do it even without trying. I mean, I've never seen KAT-TUN do these things and I don't think I'll ever do, and the closest match would be NEWS and ARASHI, I believe but I'm not really familiar with them so yeah. :/ and clearly, they're no match for Kanjani8. Hahahaha. Anyway, from the looks of it, you could say that this is another low-budgeted Kanjani8 PV and I got this feeling that the director told them to "DO WHATEVER YOU LIKE" but I could care less because even without ~*technology*~, we all know that Kanjani8 is the saikou de saikyou no Kanjani8 that can pwn anyone's ass for srs. ♥
..And yes, Ohkura has like.. five of six screentime doing nothing but eating. Haha. :))
Approach Ryochan with caution, he's on his psycho mode. :))
YOKOCHO'S THE BOSS! And no, he's not a bummer, mmkay? :))
RyoYass looking cute and Ohkura checking out.. well, we all know it's Yasu. ;)
Maru looking like a new-born baby. Hahaha. WHUT.
Maru looks so effing cute here. Hahaha. =))
Hahaha yes because this is how mature people do it!
On other news, NEW SINGLE FOR KAT-TUN and it's going to be a BALLAD SONG. YEAAAAY! My recent KAT-TUN withdrawal is because of their new songs that I don't really like (for my ears, at least.) particularly their jrock-ish songs. I've always wanted a new genki song from them (like No Matter, Matter) or a pretty ballad (like Precious One or Crazy Love) but I guess, they've already matured and so are their new songs. This new ballad song will be a good change, in my honest opinion. ♥
II. Anime/Manga Fandom
BLEACH! Hahaha I was so excited with the current Hueco Mundo arc that I've ditched the anime and went on to read the manga. I was looking for a particular chapter in the manga where Byakuya referred to Rukia as his "pride" and I DIED because.. that was damn sweet. ♥ And Byakuya's exact words!! ASDFKLAJGHR REALLY. Hahaha. I am officially a fan of Byakuya/Rukia (but not to the extent of actual Kuchikicest). Highlight to read exact words: "My actions have nothing to do with the Shinigami Protocol. I've rescinded your right to live... because you aspired to kill my pride (referring to Rukia), with such a dull blade." My heart goes *doki-doki*. :))
JUNJOU ROMANTICA SEASON TWO! Hahaha. Yes, finally, I've watched the first episode and it was good although I'm not interested with Romantica that much. You guys know that I am an Egoist fangirl. ♥ Anyway, the new OP theme's really nice although I preferred Kimi=Hana more. The OP sequence ain't that catchy though. ;o; Haha, enough with complaints - I've re-read my scanlated copy of the manga and I've fallen in love with Terrorist as well! I can't wait for those epic scenes to be animated. ♥ I'm exciiiteeeed. *beams*
TSUBASA CHRONICLES! For some reason, I've been itching to watch it for Kurogane & Fay so I watched some episodes and found myself getting really bored with Syaoran and Sakura's love story. Haha. Inorite, why would I watch this if I do not like the pair? Hmmyeah, I don't really dislike Syaoran/Sakura, I think they're cute, haha, it's just that Syaoran's "hime" "hime" thing annoys me. :| And anyway, I was just hunting for KuroFai because I love them. ♥ I seriously love Chapter 166-167! Seriously, Kurogane chopped of his arm for Fay! If that's not love then I do not know what it is. :)) ♥ TRC's weird though. What's up with all the clones thing? O: Not to mention, the connection with xxxHOLiC is driving me nuts. My comprehension capability's not that great, unfortunately, to understand what CLAMP's been putting through my head.
xxxHOLiC! I've decided to read the manga instead of watching the anime because Watanuki whines toooooo muuuuuch it's hurting my ears. Haha. At least when I read the manga, I am just reading his whines so yeah. :)) ♥ I seriously do not know how Doumeki puts up with Watanuki's constant whining! He must really love Watanuki for to be able to endure that. =)) STFU I JUST WANT TO INSERT MY OWN DONUTS MOMENT! xD
III. Real Life
I already got my schedule for this second sem and well.. I've been complaining until I saw
jeneko-neechan's! Hahaha. I'm really relieve that most of my subjects are just one and a half hour. Last sem was hell because almost all of my subjects are three hours straight. :| My english subject every friday is 5 hours straight though and what more is that, although I believe in God.. talking about Him first thing in the morning (7am) until 10am, three hours straight every friday... isn't a very good idea. :|
Monday: 10:00am - 5:30pm
Tuesday: 8:30am - 3:30pm
Wednesday - 10:00am - 5:30pm
Thursday - 8:30am - 2:30pm
Friday - 7:00am - 2:30pm
Our classes will resume on November 5 and I seriously can't wait because I've been broke for like.. three weeks (and counting!) and I already miss my friends! :) ♥