I can't remember when was the last time I flailed for someone who isn't Japanese. HAHAHAHA. Oh yes, last night, I watched this random movie I bought titled It's a Boy/Girl Thing. Gender-switch movie, yes. I TOTALLY FLAILED FOR
KEVIN ZEGERS. Why oh why is he so hot and cute in the movie. ♥ Oh, and the actress, Samaire Armstrong's really pretty too. I love the movie, seriously. ♥
Already heard KAT-TUN's latest single, Don't U Ever Stop. Not that I don't like it... but it's not that catchy, is it? Or maybe that's just me. But yeah. I don't find it akehajkghar-ish. I mean, I srsly flailed for LIPS before. Maybe it's better when performed live? Haha, but I'll say hello to KAT-TUN's unsynchronized dancing again, ne? This song is srsly heavily choreographed.
PS: I don't go to ym much now so prz add my msn instead, thanks. :D